The Business Case for Size-Inclusive Spas

Why embracing fat-inclusive wellness will boost your business. Fatphobia, or discrimination against people based on the size and/or weight of their body, can be subtle or unintentional, but no less harmful to your potential clients. We’re here today to help you consider the long-term benefits for your spa business to invest in size-inclusive equipment and practices for people of all shapes and sizes.

Reflections from a Barber: The Prevalence of DEI in the Hair Industry

A retired Barber reflects on the prevalence of DEI in an industry that welcomes people from all walks of life. Discover the gaps in training, the evolving landscape of clientele, and the positive changes shaping the future.

Embrace Workplace Diversity and Maximize Success in Every Industry

Ready to embark on your journey toward a more diverse, equitable, and inclusive workplace? Our team of DEI experts is here to guide you. Contact us today to learn how we can help your organization unlock the full potential of diversity. The benefits are clear, and the path forward is achievable.

The Benefits of Cultural Competence in the Workplace

In today’s globalized world, cultural intelligence in the workplace isn’t just a nicety – it’s a necessity. Yet, many organizations grapple with a common problem: cultural misunderstandings, miscommunications, and diversity challenges that hinder growth and productivity.

Is Your Organization Size Inclusive?

Incorporating size diversity into your company’s culture is fundamental to fostering inclusion. Here are 3 areas where your organization can begin to cultivate a size-inclusive culture right now.

Be Your Own Ally: 5 Career Lessons We Wish We Knew Sooner

With DEI being such an important right now, we spend so much time and energy thinking about how we can be good allies to each other. And to be honest, very much overdue.

But there’s something that women often overlook when it comes to allyship – themselves. As female entrepreneurs, and women with long, diverse careers, Sherilyn and Sky, the co-founders of MT Consulting, want to share 5 things they wish they’d known earlier in their careers.

Why Being an Ally During Cultural Holidays Matters – And How to Do It Right

If you read our post earlier this year on How a Diversity Calendar can Transform Your Workplace Culture, you know that there are many ways for organizations to utilize our Diversity calendar.

And while big moves like making holiday, vacation and personal time off policies are ideal, if you’re not in a leadership position or working in HR, you may not have the power to make changes like this.

But that doesn’t mean there’s nothing you can do.

How to Make DEI Training Stick

Creating training on diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) topics can be challenging. At MT Consulting Group, we use existing research to inform our content delivery and facilitation style. Below are 3 strategies we use that can help make your next DEI session memorable.

Where are all the neurodivergent people coming from? Part III

Neurodiversity is one of the latest frontiers of workplace equity, diversity, and inclusion efforts. Organizations all around the world are recognizing the importance of different ways of thinking and doing work, especially with the unique talents that neurodivergent people bring. Awareness is the first step, but how do we take action on this? Read our suggestions for small changes that can have a big impact.