3 Easy Ways to Make Your Spa Business Plan More Size-Inclusive

Spa business planning to combat weight stigma

While dismantling fatphobia and negative bias is complex and requires work, it doesn’t all need to be overly complex! We’ve compiled a list of relatively easy steps to take, to start your journey towards creating a spa that embraces body diversity, without taking a ton of time.

How AI will impact the DEI landscape Part 2

Read part I of this blog series: How AI will change the DEI landscape AI is everywhere The last few months have seen exciting developments in the world of AI. OpenAI’s launch of ChatGPT the previous year started a race to create the next AI-powered chatbot. Unsurprisingly, Microsoft’s Bing AI and Google’s Bard have enteredContinue reading “How AI will impact the DEI landscape Part 2”

DEI Trends for 2023

What do employees want in 2023?  As the year comes to a close, there are many predictions for the future of work in 2023.  Although we can’t claim to know the future, we want to share 3 DEI trends that will impact organizations in the long and short term.  Flexible Work Arrangements  In a surveyContinue reading “DEI Trends for 2023”

Disability Employment Awareness Month

In October, many organizations and provinces celebrate Disability Employment Awareness Month (DEAM). It is a time to recognize the 1 in 5 Canadians who experience disability and the incredible contributions they make to our labour force. Despite the positive outcomes associated with inclusive hiring, approximately half of Canadians with disabilities are underemployed or unemployed (which is about 10x the national average).