How to Talk About Bodies — Neutrally and Authentically! 

In a spa or other physical treatment setting, there are things you and other practitioners need to know to provide effective and meaningful treatments to your clients. Here are some phrases we recommend avoiding, and how to replace them in your consultations and intake, to start your body neutrality practice. 

The Challenge of Inclusive Marketing: Addressing Size Bias in Stock Imagery

A person relaxing on the beach, letting the sun shine on their skin while on vacation on a poster at a travel agency. The photo on the local coffee shop’s Instagram page, of a guest drinking from a mug. The people you see embracing on the cover of a romance novel. In your mind, howContinue reading “The Challenge of Inclusive Marketing: Addressing Size Bias in Stock Imagery”

Unlocking the Power of A Diversity Calendar: A Guide to Genuine Inclusion

A diversity calendar presents an opportunity to authentically honour the unique tapestry of your organization’s cultures and identities. Beyond flashy banners and social media posts, a truly inclusive workplace requires a deeper commitment that transcends performative actions.

Reflections from a Barber: The Prevalence of DEI in the Hair Industry

A retired Barber reflects on the prevalence of DEI in an industry that welcomes people from all walks of life. Discover the gaps in training, the evolving landscape of clientele, and the positive changes shaping the future.

Embrace Workplace Diversity and Maximize Success in Every Industry

Ready to embark on your journey toward a more diverse, equitable, and inclusive workplace? Our team of DEI experts is here to guide you. Contact us today to learn how we can help your organization unlock the full potential of diversity. The benefits are clear, and the path forward is achievable.

Be Your Own Ally: 5 Career Lessons We Wish We Knew Sooner

With DEI being such an important right now, we spend so much time and energy thinking about how we can be good allies to each other. And to be honest, very much overdue.

But there’s something that women often overlook when it comes to allyship – themselves. As female entrepreneurs, and women with long, diverse careers, Sherilyn and Sky, the co-founders of MT Consulting, want to share 5 things they wish they’d known earlier in their careers.

How to Make DEI Training Stick

Creating training on diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) topics can be challenging. At MT Consulting Group, we use existing research to inform our content delivery and facilitation style. Below are 3 strategies we use that can help make your next DEI session memorable.

How AI will impact the DEI landscape Part 2

Read part I of this blog series: How AI will change the DEI landscape AI is everywhere The last few months have seen exciting developments in the world of AI. OpenAI’s launch of ChatGPT the previous year started a race to create the next AI-powered chatbot. Unsurprisingly, Microsoft’s Bing AI and Google’s Bard have enteredContinue reading “How AI will impact the DEI landscape Part 2”