

A vision, a view presented to the mind in prospect or in retrospect by the imagination. An awareness of a range of time, events or subjects; a broad mental view.

Articles, news and current topics in equity, diversity and inclusion.

Our blog focuses on the world through an equity, diversity and inclusion lens. We research current hot topics, publish articles from our own experience, partner and connect with organizations and businesses, and provide you with information critical to your success. If you like our content, don’t forget to subscribe to our e-newsletter.

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A red bulls eye with a dart in the centre target is surrounded by words in a triangle shape: DEI strategy, goals and plans.

Creating Clear DEI Strategy Goals for your Business

The Role of Goals in Recruiting the Best DEI Strategy Consultant for You  You’ve used a diversity calendar to fill in your social media calendar. You’ve added a non-discrimination commitment statement to your job postings. And you’ve even taken the…

Jul 3, 2024
A Chief Diversity Officer, a woman wearing a brown blazer with matching hijab while talking to a woman with long hair. An ipad sits on the desk in front of them wile they review key documents.

Chief Diversity Officers are the Key to DEI Success 

Drive inclusion with strategic diversity and inclusion consulting Equity, diversity and inclusion (DEI) are hot topics in the modern workplace. But for it to be truly successful, companies and organizations must be strategic, and prioritize the work appropriately. A Chief Diversity…

May 23, 2024
A plus-size woman dressed in workout clothes. Announcement for a blog post on inclusive wellness and the intersection of mental health and size inclusivity

Nurturing Inclusive Wellness for All

Understanding the Intersection of Mental Health and Body Diversity in Inclusive Wellness   There are many links between mental wellness and physical wellness: feeling good in your body can boost your mental health, and vice versa. Consider the effect of…

Apr 8, 2024
Pride flag in the background with sticky notes featuring personal pronouns representing LGBT allyship

LGBT Allyship: The Power of Personal Pronouns  

Discover the importance of LGBT allyship in reducing discrimination and harassment for gender diverse people in the workplace. Imagine someone forgot your name and called you something else, deliberately or not. How did it make you feel? We guess it…

Mar 13, 2024
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