Embrace Workplace Diversity and Maximize Success in Every Industry

Imagine the world as a puzzle, with each piece representing a unique perspective, experience, and talent. In the grand mosaic of humanity, every piece matters, and it’s this diversity that fuels innovation and progress. Workplace diversity isn’t just a trend; it’s a key to unlocking the potential of every industry. But some leaders remain skeptical, claiming that DEI training isn’t relevant to their line of work. In this blog post, we’ll explore why diversity and inclusion strategy consulting matters in all industries, debunk common objections, and provide actionable steps for organizations to embrace the power of diversity.

Beyond Lip Service: True Inclusivity

When some organizations claim to be open to, or to serve, everyone, it’s important to think more deeply about what that really means. Simply saying you have an inclusive workplace doesn’t make it so. True workplace inclusion

requires action. It means creating a workplace where every individual feels valued, respected, and has equitable access to opportunities. It’s about dismantling barriers, whether they’re visible or hidden, and building an environment where diversity is celebrated.

Workplace Diversity, the Unrecognized Asset

Diversity isn’t just a concept; it’s an asset. Research consistently shows that diverse teams, with an inclusive leadership style, outperform homogenous ones. They bring fresh perspectives, unique problem-solving approaches, and a wealth of experiences to the table. Real-world examples like Apple, Microsoft, and Google showcase the success of embracing diversity as a strategic advantage.

But We’re Not Public-Facing! Why DEI Still Matters

Some organizations don’t believe there are benefits of diversity in the workplace if they aren’t customer-facing. However, internal dynamics matter just as much. Inclusive workplace cultures lead to higher employee morale, increased collaboration, and enhanced creativity. A diverse workforce attracts top talent and keeps them engaged.

But Our Community Isn’t Diverse! The Flawed Assumption

Assuming that DEI is unnecessary in areas with homogenous populations is a misconception. Diversity isn’t just about demographics; it’s also about perspective. Even in less diverse communities, organizations can benefit from a variety of experiences, skills, and backgrounds to drive innovation and adaptability.

Inclusivity is a Catalyst for Creativity

Innovation thrives in an inclusive workplace culture. When people from various backgrounds come together, they bring unique insights that can spark creative solutions. Encouraging open dialogue, welcoming different viewpoints, and promoting cross-cultural understanding can drive groundbreaking ideas.

Nurturing a Sense of Belonging

Creating an inclusive culture means going beyond diversity numbers. It’s about making every employee feel like they belong. To do this, organizations can, for example, implement policies that promote equity, offer mentorship programs, and provide DEI training to eliminate unconscious bias in the workplace.

Start creating equity in the workplace: Practical Steps for Any Industry

Workplace diversity initiatives don’t always require a complete overhaul of your organization. It starts with small, deliberate steps. For instance, you can by revising hiring practices to eliminate bias, provide ongoing diversity training, and create employee resource groups. These initiatives are the building blocks of a more inclusive workplace.

DEI isn’t a trend or a niche concept limited to specific industries. It’s a fundamental aspect of human interaction and an essential driver of progress. To thrive in an ever-changing world, organizations in all industries must embrace diversity and inclusion. Embracing diversity fosters creativity, innovation, and resilience. By nurturing a culture of inclusivity, businesses can attract top talent, improve employee morale, and drive success. Investing in diversity and inclusion is not just a moral imperative—it’s a strategic advantage in today’s global marketplace.

Does your business need diversity and inclusion strategy consulting?

Ready to transform your workplace? Our team of experts is here to guide you. Contact us today to learn how we can help.

The Benefits of Cultural Competence in the Workplace

Discover how intercultural competence can boost productivity, profits, and foster Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI)

In today’s globalized world, cultural intelligence in the workplace isn’t just a nicety – it’s a necessity. Yet, many organizations grapple with a common problem: cultural misunderstandings, miscommunications, and diversity challenges that hinder growth and productivity.

Picture this scenario: An international team working together, but cultural differences lead to misinterpretations, conflicts, and a lack of cohesion. The result? A less productive, less profitable, and less inclusive workplace.

These issues can’t be ignored. When left unaddressed, they can erode morale, stifle innovation, and even drive talent away. In today’s interconnected world, can your organization afford to neglect intercultural competence?

The IDI: Measuring Intercultural Competence

Enter the Intercultural Development Inventory (IDI). With over 4,000 organizations and educational institutions leveraging its power, the IDI assesses cultural competence across individuals. It defines this competence as “the capability to shift cultural perspective and appropriately adapt behaviour to cultural differences and commonalities.”

The IDP: Your Personalized Growth Plan

After taking the IDI, individuals receive an Intercultural Development Plan (IDP). This plan gauges where an individual falls on the Intercultural Development Continuum (IDC), a six-point scale ranging from “Denial” (least competent) to “Adaptation” (most competent). But more than just a score, it’s a catalyst for growth.

Working with our IDI Qualified Administrators

One of MT Consulting Group’s qualified IDI administrators will review your results and guide you through the next steps for intercultural development. But the journey doesn’t stop there. You can choose to pursue coaching or training opportunities to further nurture your intercultural competence.

The Business Case for Intercultural Competence

The benefits are clear: workplaces that value intercultural competence and diversity are statistically more productive and profitable. They create environments that not only enhance business performance but also attract and retain diverse talent and clients. Inclusion is the key to unlocking a world of opportunities.

Unlock Your Organization’s Potential

Don’t miss out on the chance to tap into the full potential of your organization. Contact us today to schedule your team’s IDI assessments.

Is Your Organization Size Inclusive?

Discussions about inclusion in professional settings tend to emphasize the importance of recognizing and celebrating diverse characteristics like gender, race, and culture. A conversation that’s not had as frequently is one surrounding size inclusion.

The truth is that size bias exists in all aspects of society. Whether it’s a conscious practice or not, many employees experience the stigma of being overweight in their workplace every single day. Sizeism describes any prejudice or discrimination targeted at individuals based on their physical size, particularly in relation to their weight.

Every body is unique and valuable. Promoting body size diversity in the workplace aims to dispel the idea that certain characteristics are associated with what people view as a more “optimal” body.

Incorporating size diversity into your company’s culture is fundamental to fostering inclusion. Here are 3 areas where your organization can begin to cultivate a size-inclusive culture right now:

1. Workplace Accommodations

Your overall workplace atmosphere and facilities should be a place where all employees feel comfortable and safe. This means taking the proper steps to ensure the space is accommodating for fat bodies.

Is your office equipment size-inclusive and comfortable? Consider investing in furniture that is adjustable to accommodate all body shapes and sizes. This also includes the layout and design of a space.

To avoid an employee being singled out or stigmatized in front of colleagues, proactivity is key. Make sure this is a standard that is set up from the beginning so employees aren’t uncomfortable while waiting for appropriate equipment to arrive.

Are your staff required to wear uniforms or follow a particular dress code? Uniforms should be available and easily accessible in an extended range of sizes for both men and women. If uniforms aren’t provided but a specific dress code is required, ensure employees are given ample time to prepare.

2. Policies and Benefits

Do your policies address size discrimination? Your benefit packages may be contributing to sizeism, and you may not even know it. If this is the case, diving into your policies is a great first step.

A common policy that contributes to weight discrimination is travel. If you have roles in your organization that require frequent flying, does your travel policy include the purchase of a business class seat or an adjacent seat in cases where a person may require it? Have seat belt extenders on hand in your office so employees do not have to purchase their own. The booking and travel process in general should be simple and shame-free.

Many organizations have company wellness initiatives, encouraging employee wellness through weight loss competitions, healthy eating, and fitness challenges. Consider adopting more accessible strategies to promote the health and well-being of your team. Rather than potentially affecting self-worth through peer pressure, try promoting healthy practices that all individuals, no matter their weight, can participate in.

3. Training and Education

Anti-fat bias can’t be solved with just a single action. Leadership teams must be active participants and be willing to invest the time to address size inclusivity and integrate it into any overall DEI strategies that exist.

Consider the opinions of your staff. Send out a survey and invite all employees to inform HR if any adjustments are needed to improve the size inclusivity culture. These actions benefit not only overweight employees but also tall people, people with back problems, people with disabilities, people with mobility challenges, or anyone who needs some accommodations in any area.

Teach your employees about the stigma around weight. Show them how to recognize how anti-fat bias and thin body ideals remain ingrained in everyday life and language. Make it clear that ideals and language that are not inclusive will not be tolerated.

On both internal and external levels, inclusive imagery is important. Representing fat bodies in any educational or marketing materials shows that people of all sizes are important and valued within the organization.

MT Consulting Group is here to help if you’re looking for specific strategies to meet the needs of your organization. If you’re not sure if some of the policies that currently exist in your organization are unconsciously perpetuating discrimination, please reach out.

If you want to further your DEI journey, check out our Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Foundations training, or Coaching, for a safe space to foster growth and learning. Contact us to bring our size-inclusion workshops to your organization!

Red Dress Day 2023: Amplifying Indigenous Voices and Demanding Justice

On May 5th we commemorate and honour the lives of over 1,000 Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls (MMIWG) in Canada. 

Red Dress Day, also known as National Day of Awareness for Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls and Two-Spirit People brings awareness to the gendered, racialized violence committed against Indigenous women and girls.

In Canada, Indigenous women and girls are five times more likely to experience violence than any other population and this violence tends to result in more serious harm, according to the Assembly of First Nations. Many people in Canada, including Indigenous leaders, have declared this a national state of emergency.

Why a red dress?

Red Dress Day started with Jamie Black, a Métis artist, who created the REDress Project installation, as a “visual reminder of the staggering number of women who are no longer with us”. The project has since grown and has been recreated throughout Canada and the United States. 

“The REDress Project focuses around the issue of missing or murdered Aboriginal women across Canada. It is an installation art project based on an aesthetic response to this critical national issue.”

National Inquiry into Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls

On September 1st 2015, the National Inquiry into Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls has began looking into and reporting on the systemic causes of all forms of violence against Indigenous women and girls, including sexual violence, child abuse, domestic violence, bullying and harassment, suicide, and self-harm.

In June 2019 the inquiry published their final report, Reclaiming Power and Place: The Final Report of the National Inquiry into Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls, whos findings and conclusions can be used as a guide in how to move forward and build policies in the future. 

For more information on the National Inquiry, please visit www.mmiwg-ffada.ca.

How can you raise awareness?

Many protests and marches take place across North America on Red Dress Day, but you can support MMIWG all year round.

Many MMIWG cases are under-reported by media outlets, and there is little to no pressure on local law enforcement to pursue their cases. If you see cases being shared on social media, take the time to reshare it to your followers. You can also call or email those in charge of cases to urge them to push further. 

Butterflies in Spirit is an Indigenous lead group that spreads awareness and honor MMIWG through traditional dance. Supporting groups like these is also an important way to help communities begin to heal, the way they want to. 

We stand in solidarity with Indigenous communities across Canada, acknowledging the systemic violence that Indigenous women and girls face.

Madisen Gee is a contributing writer at MT Consulting Group.

Be Your Own Ally: 5 Career Lessons We Wish We Knew Sooner

With DEI being such an important right now, we spend so much time and energy thinking about how we can be good allies to each other. And to be honest, very much overdue.

But there’s something that women often overlook when it comes to allyship – themselves.

Joining the workforce can be pretty intimidating, especially as a young woman. There’s no manual for how to have an interesting, fulfilling career. For any early career professional there is so much to learn, in what feels like so little time. 

As female entrepreneurs, and women with long, diverse careers, Sherilyn and Sky, the co-founders of MT Consulting, want to share 5 things they wish they’d known earlier in their careers.

1. Mentorship is a game changer.

Having a good mentor, who wants to see you grow and succeed in your career can make a world of a difference. Good mentors will be a strong sounding board, as well as help you navigate the hurdles of your career. Your mentor should be able to highlight your strengths and help you advocate for yourself, but also share feedback on areas where you can continue to improve.

Take the time to seek out a good mentor and make sure to foster that relationship. The effort will be paid back to you tenfold.

Our advice? Use your networks! Try reaching out to people you admire on LinkedIn to see if they’re open to mentorship; the worst they can say is no.

2. Understand the difference between mentorship and sponsorship.

f you’ve already tackled #1 and have a great mentor, see if they’ll take it a step further with sponsorship. 

The difference between mentorship and sponsorship is quite simple. A mentor is a sounding board who will help guide you on your way. A sponsor is someone who will be on the journey with you, helping to minimize, or even eliminate, struggles along your path.

A sponsor is someone who will advocate for you, and will truly help boost your career, but it’s up to you to seek out their help. Nobody is going to ask you if they can do this for you. Make sure to nurture your relationships and be clear about your goals and asks.

3. Talk the talk.

Talk about your accomplishments. And don’t downplay them! It’s important to be a hard worker, but unfortunately sometimes that isn’t enough. If you want to be an ally to yourself, you need to be ready to advocate for yourself! 

It can be scary to start; women who speak up and ask for what they want are often labeled as aggressive or pushy. It’s easy to write in a blog post that “it doesn’t matter, and you should do it anyway!” but when your professional reputation is on the line, it’s never that simple. 

Obviously every situation is different, but bottom line, ever let anyone minimize your accomplishments. Be proud of the work you’ve done to get you to where you are, and be excited for where you’re headed. 

4. Be mobile.

Staying in one position for too long can ultimately be a detriment to your career, especially early on. Moving to a new organization or even just to a new role in your organization not only provides you a chance to increase your upward mobility, but gives another chance to negotiate your salary. 

There’s also always the benefit of learning new skills and meeting new people you may not have otherwise gotten the chance to!

Keep an eye out for job postings at companies you’re interested in, or industry specific job boards. Even if you’re not quite ready to move, it’s always a good idea to stay up to date with qualifications in your industry.

5. Bet on yourself. Always.

What more can we say? Being humble is great, but don’t forget to also be your own biggest cheerleader. 

At the end of the day, we are all responsible for our own actions and making sure we are progressing in our careers at the rate we’re happy with. But that doesn’t mean we shouldn’t try to make it easier on ourselves and those around us. 

By advocating for yourself in the workplace, and prioritizing the value you bring, you can build strong, stable careers surrounded by people who want the best for us. And when you thrive, you can uplift the people around you.

Sky and Sherilyn emphasized the importance of building and fostering a community around yourself that is not only proud of your success, but cheering you on every step of the way.  

If you are looking to continue your own professional development, see how our Inclusive Leadership Certificate can help advance your career today!

Madisen Gee is a contributing writer at MT Consulting Group.

The Road to DEI is Rocky

They say it’s about the journey, not the destination. But what happens when the journey never ends?

The future of DEI is limitless. In fact, one of the most exciting things about this industry is what the future holds. There is so much room to grow, and evolve, which is what motivates a lot of us at MT Consulting Group.  

But the constant change and knowing your journey never ends… that can be a bit more of a struggle.

It’s been freeing to continually learn more and try to be more accepting and inclusive this early into my career, but trying to navigate the DEI landscape is like treading in unknown waters a lot of the time. There are many times I’ve felt stuck on my DEI journey, with so many grey areas and never feeling like you have the “right” answer.  

And I know that I’m not alone in that. There are times when the amount you need to learn seems insurmountable; debilitating even. The mountain top feels like it’s getting further and further away. The journey is not for the faint of heart. 

The best way I’ve found to get through those times has been reaching out to my community. Hearing different perspectives and ways of knowing can be transformative. Often, I find the expertise and lived experience of those around me bring insight I never could have had myself. Sharing knowledge is how we can continue to grow and get better. 

“Start by acknowledging that this journey will take time and effort, and that mistakes will be made along the way,” says Dr. Sky McLaughlin, facilitator and co-Founder. “It’s important to be patient with yourself and others, and to commit to continuous learning and improvement.”

She adds that people need to be responsible for their own learning, and actively seek out resources that can provide guidance and support. 

“There are a lot of great books, podcasts, and workshops and trainings. Engage in open and honest conversations with those who have different experiences and perspectives than your own.” 

Finally, Sky shares, remember that DEI work is not a one-time task and requires sustained effort and commitment. “Make it a priority in your personal and professional life, and hold yourself accountable for taking action towards creating a more equitable and inclusive world.”

For our blog writer and facilitator Anica, one of the hurdles they needed to overcome was allowing themself to make mistakes. 

“I realized I was being very hard on myself whenever I came across something like unconscious biases that I held,” she shares. “It took me a long time to accept the shame and guilt, and I realized that expecting myself to get it right every time was actually a roadblock to progressing in my DEI journey”.

Knowing that your mistakes have the potential to harm others, regardless of intention, is difficult to balance with wanting to continue to make progress, they share. It’s easy to get trapped in that thought and use it as an excuse to not dive deeper or try something new.

“However, holding myself back because I didn’t want to harm people also meant that I wasn’t stretching out of my comfort zone – and that’s the zone where we learn.  As a learner, it’s okay to make mistakes.

Recognizing that while I am an educator and am passionate about DEI, I am also an imperfect human and those two are not mutually exclusive. I continue to unlearn the expectation that experts do not make mistakes, and learn to effectively hold myself accountable when I do.”

Claudia, another facilitator, hopes people who are feeling overwhelmed remember that systemic issues have been around for a long time, and that it’s nobody’s fault that they are either advantaged or disadvantaged. “You can succeed by being yourself.”

It’s often said that life’s about the journey, not the destination. And the same is true about DEI. 

As human beings, we are dynamic and adaptable and we will continue to grow and change, hopefully for the better. But mistakes are inevitable. If you’re struggling in your DEI journey, that’s okay! It happens to the best of us. 

Unpacking bias and confronting your own privilege can be overwhelming. Make sure to take care of your mental health, and remember that this can be part of the journey. The work will always be here for you to come back to. 

Systemic problems will not be dismantled in the time it takes you to read a book, or listen to a podcast. They might not even be solved in our lifetime; but as long as we are continuing to do our part, educating ourselves and chipping away at the systems that oppress us all, we will continue to make the world a better, more inclusive place. 

If you want to further your DEI journey, check out our Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Foundations training, or Coaching, for a safe space to foster growth and learning. 

Madisen Gee is a contributing writer at MT Consulting Group.

Why Being an Ally During Cultural Holidays Matters – And How to Do It Right

If you read our post earlier this year on How a Diversity Calendar can Transform Your Workplace Culture, you know that there are many ways for organizations to utilize our Diversity calendar.

And while big moves like making holiday, vacation and personal time off policies are ideal, if you’re not in a leadership position or working in HR, you may not have the power to make changes like this.

But that doesn’t mean there’s nothing you can do. 

“As someone who lived for more than a decade in Islamic countries, is married to a Muslim, is a secular convert to Islam, and is raising bi-racial and bi-cultural children, Muslim inclusion has always been important to me,” says Sky McLaughlin, MT Consulting Group Co-Founder.

“I would always point out to leadership if a special event at work was being held on an important Islamic holiday, or if a pot-luck or some kind of team-building event was planned during Ramadan. I would make sure to speak up and say that it would probably be more inclusive to be held during a time that didn’t involve fasting for certain staff members.”

She shares that an ally from the dominant cultural group often has more leeway to call out situations like these, whereas members of an equity-seeking group may feel singled out if they try to bring things up to management.

Sky offers some helpful tips on how we can all continue to be better allies to those celebrating cultural holidays around us. 

1. Ask

It seems obvious, but many of us often need a reminder that, yeah. Sometimes it’s best to ask what’s best practice or most helpful.

Everyone celebrates their cultural holidays a little differently, and if we want to honour individual autonomy we should be willing to hear them out on how they might choose to celebrate. They might even invite you to join them!

2. Do your own research

Ok, this is really tip 1.5, but it’s always great to do some of your own research to learn a little bit about the cultural, religious or spiritual background of the holiday in question.

Genuine curiosity and the willingness to learn goes a long way. Use the knowledge you gained to start a conversation or ask questions.

Doing your own research may even simply look like learning a common greeting in their cultural language.

3. Acknowledge the holiday

Many workplaces organize things like Secret Santa for Christmas, but have you considered what gestures you could do to support colleagues celebrating other holidays? Things like a golden coin in a red envelope for Lunar New Year, or flags for pride are small gestures that can go a long way. 

Also, while consulting people who celebrate is important, don’t solely leave the labour of planning and execution to them. Being an ally means putting in the work!

4. Send words of support

This tip isn’t just isolated to cultural holidays. 

Of course everyone wants to celebrate the good, but in reality, our peers need our support even more when things are not going well. When a negative event impacts your colleague’s community more broadly, for example anti-Asian hate in America, don’t be afraid to offer your support, volunteer to take action, or if you’re financially able, make a donation.

5. Don’t make assumptions

With workplaces being more diverse than ever, it’s  best to play things safe and not to make assumptions about somebody’s cultural background.

Just because someone might be from a culture that observes Ramadan, for example,doesn’t mean they are observant or choose to fast. It can be easy to lump all members of a cultural background together, but through actively working against our biases we will create more inclusive workplaces for everyone. 

Cultural holidays make us who we are. They’re the traditions we grow up with and the memories we hold dear to us. 

It’s such a simple act, to learn a bit more about our friends and coworkers’ culturally significant holidays, yet it’s something so many of us seem to overlook, or assume it’s not our business. 

There is room for everyone to do their part in supporting colleagues celebrating cultural holidays in the workplace. Allyship does not always look like direct participation or major changes. It can look like celebrating differences and calling out the biases you see day to day. 

Don’t miss any of our blogs, events, or training updates. Sign up for our monthly newsletter below!

Madisen Gee is a contributing writer at MT Consulting Group.

How to Make DEI Training Stick

Creating training on diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) topics can be challenging. At MT Consulting Group, we use existing research to inform our content delivery and facilitation style. Below are 3 strategies we use that can help make your next DEI session memorable. 

Make it personal 

In 2022, Harvard Business Review published an article on the relationship between someone’s perception of privilege and the disadvantages they experienced. Researchers conducted 10 studies with more than 5,000 white men from the US and UK. The goal was to find ways to foster greater recognition of racial privilege amongst white men. The researchers chose to study white men as they proportionally hold more power than any other racial group. 

They found that participants could only recognize their own racial privilege after reflecting on personal experiences of feeling marginalized. Though their disadvantages did not equate to the racial discrimination experienced by others, it was a crucial aspect of their self-reflection. As a facilitator, it’s vital to create space for learners to reflect on their advantages and disadvantages. These can be facilitated through writing exercises or group discussions. 

Lead with empathy

As DEI training often covers awkward and uncomfortable topics, facilitators must lead with empathy first. Anger and shame are important emotions to initiate action and change, yet these can inhibit individuals from fully participating in training. Robert Livingston discusses the importance of empathy when promoting equity in the workplace. As an emotion, empathy is the opportunity to experience the same emotions as those that have been marginalized in the workplace. Employees won’t buy into DEI initiatives without empathy and without personally understanding the hurt and anger that others experience. 

Similarly, as a facilitator, it is necessary to lead with empathy. If the learners perceive judgment from their facilitators, they will be less likely to open themselves to more learning. When facilitating DEI sessions, consider sharing anecdotes that show personal vulnerability. 

Sticky learning tips 

DEI facilitation and training need to go beyond the hour, the day, or the week training was facilitated. To make learning stick, facilitators need to go beyond slide decks and handouts. Learning Psychologist, Stella Collins, offers the acronym LEARNS to remember her strategy for creating memorable content. 

Linking: Connect new information with familiar information

Emotions: Create emotional ties to the content that reinforce decision making

Anchor: Bridge two pieces of information together that trigger a memory or action 

Repetition: Encourage learners to use exercises or practical applications after facilitation

Novelty: Find new ways to present familiar information  

Story: Use stories to bring up important points or reinforce a piece of content 

Consider these sticky learning tips when creating content for a workshop. To help build emotional ties, ask learners to pair up and share related stories or share with the group. Add relevant news stories to the presentation to link new content with recognizable examples.  

How we’re different 

DEI training requires mental and emotional labour, but it doesn’t have to be challenging. At MT Consulting Group, we bring research to life through these strategies and more. 

  1. We make training personal by sharing our own stories of privilege and vulnerability. 
  2. We aim to create psychological safety for learners by leading with empathy. 
  3. Our content and sessions are the results of our collective experience in adult education and the use of sticky learning principles. 

Are you interested in bringing DEI training to life at your workplace? Maybe you’re curious about how we can make DEI training stick. Send us a message, and we’ll let you know how we can help! 

How AI will impact the DEI landscape Part 2

Read part I of this blog series: How AI will change the DEI landscape

AI is everywhere

The last few months have seen exciting developments in the world of AI. OpenAI’s launch of ChatGPT the previous year started a race to create the next AI-powered chatbot. Unsurprisingly, Microsoft’s Bing AI and Google’s Bard have entered the race to challenge OpenAI to varying degrees of success. Bard cost Google dearly during its launch, while Bing has become self-aware. With the news buzzing with funny stories of “chatbots gone rogue,” it’s easy to forget that AI is much more mundane than we may think.

Although generative AI (the type that can spontaneously create content) is the newest iteration of machine learning, AI has long been a part of our everyday technology. TikTok’s algorithm is a famously contentious example of this. Advertising firms use AI to determine which ads perform better and capture attention longer. Recruitment firms can utilize AI for resume screening and sourcing candidates. AI is everywhere, which begs the question: How will this impact us?   

Concerns about AI

There are many concerns about the usage of AI, but most can be summarized into two buckets:

AI will be used to spread and circulate misinformation

It’s not hard to see how generative AI could be used to create false narratives online. The growing circulation of deepfakes (AI-generated images or videos) has made it harder to discern the legitimacy of content. On top of that, content can now be circulated quicker online as AI creates, posts, and generates views for posts.

AI will replicate human bias

The most common concern regarding AI is in its training data. Researchers like Safiya Umoja Noble (writer of Algorithms of Oppression) have sounded the alarm bells of programmed biases in AI software. If AI requires large amounts of data to learn and humans curate the data provided, then the same biases its programmers held will be embedded into its coding. To untrain this bias, other humans would need to watch and flag traumatic content repeatedly. OpenAI is attempting to untrain ChatGPT but on the backs of low-paid workers.

AI’s impact on DEI

It’s imperative to consider the impact of AI on equity, diversity, and inclusion regardless of your organization’s function. Furthermore, as AI evolves and becomes embedded in our everyday technologies, it is important to remain critical of its influence. Here are 3 ways to consider the impact of AI more generally:

1.   Lack of Human Subjectivity

No matter how convincing the chatbot may seem, AI cannot replicate human subjectivity. Context, tone, and culture are crucial to EDI work, which requires a subjective understanding of your environment. For example, it would be a bad idea for an organization to ask ChatGPT, “how to be better allies at work?” Although the chatbot could find examples across the internet, it would not be able to address the unique concerns of allyship within that organization.

2.   Devaluing certain tasks

The proliferation of AI in specific industries may result in the depreciation of its value. Take graphic design, for example, now that organizations can utilize DALL-E to generate images (albeit this takes some finesse); they may hire fewer Graphic Designers. ChatGPT’s proven ability to create technical or legal writing could make these jobs less valuable. Automated vehicles may also risk jobs like truck driving, delivery, and taxis. Even if AI didn’t take jobs away, their usage might depreciate the value of entry-level jobs.

3.   Lack of regulation

The truth is, without government regulation, there is very little the average person can do to compete with AI. The use of art posted online to train AI like DALL-E has already caused a stir in the art community. Some artists have filed a lawsuit against generative AI platforms, while others have called to boycott AI-generated art. Unfortunately, for those artists and creators who are already marginalized, pushing back against AI platforms is an impossible task. Until there are government regulations to protect digital content or any content posted online, AI will be given free rein over the internet.

Charlotte Wray is a contributing writer at MT Consulting Group.

Where are all the neurodivergent people coming from? Part III

5 Ways to Make Your Workplace More Inclusive of Neurodivergent People

Neurodiversity is one of the latest frontiers of workplace equity, diversity, and inclusion efforts. Organizations all around the world are recognizing the importance of different ways of thinking and doing work, especially with the unique talents that neurodivergent people bring. Awareness is the first step, but how do we take action on this? Below are my suggestions for small changes that can have a big impact.

Provide agendas before meetings

Neurodivergent brains process information differently and at different speeds that are not always compatible with the flow of a meeting. Providing detailed agendas allows people to digest the information beforehand and helps them be more prepared to engage meaningfully during the meeting. It also creates a structure for the meeting which can help ease the minds of those with anxiety around social interactions. Letting people know what to expect will make meetings more productive and, to be honest, more enjoyable (we all know the frustration of disorganized meetings or insubstantial meetings that could have been an email). 

Create flexible workspaces and work arrangements

Neurodivergent people have highly sensitive nervous systems that often pick up on more stimuli than they can process. Processing high amounts of stimuli can take up a lot of energy and even become a distraction. To help us manage this, ensure that the physical environment we’re in is adaptable to limit unnecessary stimuli. For example, the ability to shut the door while working on a complex task without the assumption that we don’t like interacting with others. If it’s a shared space, provide noise-cancelling headphones and dividers to block out visual distractions. Additionally, over the course of the pandemic, we’ve seen that it is indeed possible to do much of our administrative work remotely. While remote work has many benefits, for neurodivergent people, this means we get to reserve our energy for doing the work, rather than having it eaten up by the extra stimuli in the workplace.

Utilize instant messaging communication tools

This strategy is great for so many reasons. It’s quick and accessible on many devices, not just our computers. It can save you a trip over to someone’s workstation, and get you the quick answer you need without an email or phone call. Another reason is that it can be a much more neurodivergent-friendly method of team communication. Because our brains process information differently, transitions between tasks, such as switching from thinking about how to respond to an email to suddenly listening to a co-worker’s question. Oftentimes these disruptions to our train of thought can unintentionally startle or even derail our thought process, requiring more energy to get back on the train. However, an instant message notification going off in the corner of our screen is much gentler and easier to manage the transition into communication and then back to work.

Document detailed processes and procedures

One of the most common barriers to efficient teamwork, even for neurotypical people, is the lack of formally documented processes and procedures. As a result, efforts are likely duplicated or done incorrectly thus requiring time and energy for corrections. For many neurodivergent people, verbal instructions are challenging because there is so much stimulus to process at the same time. Someone’s tone, words, facial expressions, gestures, and also environmental stimuli just to name a few. For tasks that your organization does frequently, documenting in detail each step will help all team members complete them more quickly and accurately, saving time and energy for other aspects of their work and life.

Provide awareness training to staff led by neurodivergent people

This one might seem obvious, but let me explain. There are many resources available about neurodiversity, but not all resources were created equally. For a long time, neurodiversity was exclusively studied by people who were not neurodivergent. Unsurprisingly, this led to a lot of misinformation and many of the stereotypes we see in our culture still to this day. However, there is a growing body of neurodivergent healthcare, academic, and administrative professionals who are sharing their perspectives and redefining what it means to be neurodivergent. It is crucial to learn directly from these individuals who have first-hand experience.

In addition to helping neurodivergent employees do their work more effectively, the most important thing you’ll gain is an environment that is more inclusive and welcoming to them. A sense of belonging is something we all crave and when you make adjustments for the whole team so that neurodivergent people do not have to disclose that they need accommodations (they may not even know they need them), this sends the message that who they are and how they experience the world matters. Also, as previously mentioned in Part I, these changes will benefit everyone, not just neurodivergent individuals, creating a more accessible workplace to all, a key element to universal design (more on this in future posts!). 

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Anica Dang (they/she) is a regular contributor to MT Consulting Group, with a focus on neurodiversity in the workplace.