Easing Gender Transitioning Employees, Part I: First Step Tips for Supervisors and Managers

An introductory guide to ensuring an inclusive workplace for team members in gender transition

So you have a team member whose gender identity is changing, and you want to support them while at work. If you are feeling uncertain about the differences between gender identity and gender expression, and what all this means for your working relationship, start here! 

What is gender transition? 

Most people identify personally with the gender they were assigned at birth according to their physiology. Many other people, however, do not identify this way, and so they may decide to actively change their gender. This is known as gender transition. This means they may also choose to describe themselves as transgender, or trans, or something else altogether.

Transition may look like changes to a person’s gender expression — in other words, their outward appearance — to better accord with their identity.  This can, but does not require, changes to their mode of dress, their use of different personal pronouns, and/or surgery to modify one’s appearance.

Not all people undergoing a change to their gender identity will make major changes to their gender expression. Transition is a deeply personal process, and so it is key to listen to what your transitioning co-worker or employee says when they describe their transition in their own words.

Supporting someone who is transitioning, at work 

Like with any significant change in someone’s life, follow their lead as to how they would like to acknowledge it with you at work. For example, some people may wish to have their gender transition openly celebrated, while others may prefer to keep their transition quiet and more gradual throughout the process. It is always a good idea to respond from a place of curiosity and open-mindedness when you first receive the news from your staff member about their transition. 

Another great place to start for support is your company’s Employee Assistance Program (EAP) or Human Resources department to ensure you know what will be required of you to support your employee appropriately, and in accordance with non-discrimination laws. 

Keep in mind that disclosing one’s gender transition can be a very vulnerable experience for a person. In particular, the stakes are quite high when it comes to transitioning at work, because of a higher potential for precarious circumstances experienced by transgender people due to negative biases and discrimination. To maintain an inclusive workplace, superiors need to be mindful of how they handle these circumstances in a compassionate and welcoming way.  

Begin with Boundaries 

There will be a certain amount of educating that the transitioning employee will have to provide themselves; remember, there is no one way that all transgender people transition. With this in mind, there are still plenty of resources available to take some of the educational burden off of the transitioning individual. Consider reaching out to local LGBT organizations such as the Pride Centre of Edmonton, or the Fyrefly Institute for resources on trans allyship to learn more basics about gender transition. 

Because transitioning is so personal, it is paramount to let the person going through this change be the leader in creating the relevant action plans. Some questions to clarify with them at the outset can include:

  • What is the time frame or date by which they would like to start presenting themselves with their new gender (eg. new name, pronouns)? 
  • What are their support needs in terms of an Employee Assistance Program, medical leave, or changes in access to facilities like washrooms or change rooms?
  • Who needs to be informed about their transition, and how? What does confidentiality mean to the transitioning individual, and how do you collectively foresee transition affecting their work, if at all? 

Stay tuned for more posts in this series about supporting your transitioning employees at work. If you need more help, or are interested in creating a stronger human resources plan for your workplace, we are here to help. Contact us for expert guidance and resources today!

Training Your Spa Team for Inclusive Wellness: Essential Dos and Don’ts

How diversity and inclusion training can build teams for inclusive wellness

In any successful business or organization, your staff are your best brand ambassadors. They are the main touchpoint between your business and your client, and will have the most impact on loyalty and relationship building. In today’s blog post, we are here to provide tips and training strategies to educate your spa staff on providing exceptional service to clients of all sizes. This in turn will bolster your spa business plan, as loyal clients return again and again knowing that they will always be welcome! 

Best Practices for Inclusivity Training

DO conduct regular workshops and seminars focusing on body positivity and diversity and inclusion training for all staff members. Make time for this on a regular, recurring basis to foster a culture of learning and continuous improvement in your spa. 

DO hire experts or consultants to provide insights and guidance on understanding diverse body types, cultural sensitivities, and communication strategies. It’s okay not to have all the answers: that’s what consultants like us are for! 

DON’T assume that training is a “one and done” scenario. The biases that created and uphold fatphobia and weight stigma are deeply rooted, and will take time and practice to un-learn. 

DO practice talking with different types of clients through role-playing to become better at understanding and communicating with them with empathy, understanding, and respect. 

DO start to embrace body diversity and body positivity on a regular basis, even before you do any formal training with your teams. 

Remember, diversity training is not just about policies and procedures—it’s about fostering a genuine understanding and empathy among your team. Encourage open dialogue about inclusivity and actively seek out resources like online courses or books on the topic. By prioritizing continuous learning, your spa can truly become a haven for all.

Ways to Start Practicing Inclusive Wellness Day-to-Day 

DO bust weight stigma by discouraging any negative comments or judgments related to a client’s body size, shape, or appearance.

DON’T trivialize body image concerns raised by clients, such as avoiding the subject altogether, or denying their experiences with weight bias. Follow your clients’ leads when it comes to talking about their bodies; they are the experts on their own experience, after all! 

DON’T assume that all clients have the same experiences or preferences; each individual is unique and may have different needs or concerns. When in doubt, a simple “How can I make you more comfortable today?” can work wonders! 

DO rehearse tailoring interactions to each client’s preferences and comfort levels.

DON’T dismiss or overlook client feedback, especially concerning inclusivity and related experiences at the spa. 

DO embrace feedback from clients as an opportunity to learn and improve your spa concepts. Feedback is love! While clients won’t always have the exact solutions that you will need, their insight on how you and your team are doing is invaluable because it can help you identify blind spots and give you direction when figuring out where your business can improve. 

If these do’s and don’ts feel overwhelming, or if you would like to delve deeper into your inclusive spa business planning, we have you covered. We created Larger Luxury because we want to help you foster a healing environment for everyBODY, so that no matter who walks through your door, your approach to inclusive wellness will make them feel relaxed, comforted, and worthy of luxury treatment! Visit our website today to get started

LGBT Allyship: The Power of Personal Pronouns  

Discover the importance of LGBT allyship in reducing discrimination and harassment for gender diverse people in the workplace.

Imagine someone forgot your name and called you something else, deliberately or not. How did it make you feel? We guess it was probably a bit annoying, or perhaps made you feel uncomfortable, or even disrespected by that person. This feeling is common among gender-diverse people who have their pronouns misused or misunderstood.

The good news is, there are easy, free ways of incorporating LGBTQ-inclusive language in the workplace. We are here today to cover just a few! 

Why inclusive language matters

Generally, we do not guess others’ names by looking at their appearance. By challenging the typical assumptions about pronouns and gender by appearance, you can save yourself, your staff, and your clients from the embarrassment of mis-identifying or mis-representing others whose pronouns they don’t know. 

As we have talked about before on our blog, diverse teams are boons to any kind of workplace. When everyone uses and affirms their pronouns to each other, no one has to be singled out in order to be referred to in the right way. Using inclusive language also supports morale and wellness, especially for people exploring their gender identities. Many trans and gender-diverse people have even cited that the use of their correct pronouns has had life-saving impacts on their wellbeing. 

How to practice gender-inclusive pronouns at work

Like learning anything new, it just takes practice. 

Rehearse! When preparing for a speech, address, or even to chair a meeting, rehearse your self-introduction. Providing your pronouns right after your name or other credentials employs the concept of “habit stacking”, making it even easier to learn. 

Examples of introducing yourself with your pronouns include:

  • “My name is [name] and my pronouns are [pronouns].” 
  • “Hello! I am [name] and I use [pronouns]. I will be today’s facilitator.” 

It can also help to make this more normal by inviting the other person or people in your meeting to provide their pronouns in turn. A simple “What pronouns do you use?” or “Which pronouns would you like me/us to use for you?” can go a long way! 

Substitute it! While reading, or writing your next report, use neutral pronouns like “they/them” instead of gendered pronouns like “he/him” or “she/her”. Notice how it gets easier to do the more you practice, and that it doesn’t actually change much else anyway. 

Make space for it! When planning an event or meeting, include space in RSVPs for attendees to indicate their pronouns. It is also a great practice to put pronouns (or space to write them in) on name badges for all attendees. You can even purchase stylish buttons or badges for your team to wear in your workplace to affirm the importance of using the correct pronouns for everyone. 

Remember to foster a culture of learning, feedback, and acceptance. Don’t make a big deal when (not if!) you or someone else makes a mistake. In time, this practice of LGBT allyship will be second nature to your inclusive workplace. 

The significance of LGBT allyship

It’s essential for creating a workplace where all individuals feel respected and valued for who they are. By actively using LGBTQ inclusive language and behaviours, you can nurture an environment where discrimination and harassment are minimized. This not only boosts morale and productivity but also attracts and retains diverse talent. Companies that prioritize LGBT allyship are taking a stand for inclusivity and equity, which resonates positively with employees and clients alike.

Do you need guidance with building your business’ diversity and inclusion strategy? 

We are ready to help you take your next steps. Contact us today to learn how we can help.

How to Talk About Bodies — Neutrally and Authentically! 

From positivity to neutrality, expand on how we talk about body diversity in a spa setting

Body Positivity” is a popular term (and hashtag) on social media, encouraging people worldwide to celebrate their bodies and how they appear, no matter how they appear. The notion seems good in principle at first glance, but look deeper and you may find it has a subtle, yet toxic underlying message: that all bodies should be celebrated,  no matter what, and there is no room for days where you just feel BLAH. And who doesn’t have days like that from time to time? 

Body neutrality is a term coined by Anne Poirier, and is the idea that bodies are neither “good” nor “bad”, they just simply are. It is a practice that calls us to accept bodies as they are, and what they can (or can’t) do as neutral fact. It makes more space for understanding that no matter the state, shape, size, or feeling, a body is just a body, and doesn’t need to be disparaged or celebrated. Imagine a world where no one would have to think about whether they will be able to comfortably sit on a chair in a waiting room, or lay on a massage table without it buckling, or boarding a plane and buckling their seat belt with ease? Wouldn’t that be a wonderfully mundane thing? 

Naturally, in a spa or other physical treatment setting, there are things you and other practitioners need to know to provide effective and meaningful treatments to your clients. Here are some phrases we recommend avoiding, and how to replace them in your consultations and intake, to start your body neutrality practice. 

Embracing Body Diversity Means Avoiding…
  • Suggesting that any body or parts are “problematic” or “troublesome” or “concerning”. People are the experts on their own bodies and experiences in them, so don’t project these kinds of judgments onto others.
  • Remarking on how “brave” or “inspiring” someone is for moving through the world in their body.
  • Recommending or implying that weight loss would increase their comfort or quality of life.

Finally, remember not to ask for any information that is not relevant to your client’s safety and comfort during treatment. Weight can be tricky to talk about, try to get ahead of needing to ask your client for their weight if needed. For example, include information about the size, weight capacity of equipment like massage tables, chairs, etc. on your website, so the client knows ahead of time. 

Practice saying or asking…
  • Questions about how your client feels that day, and how they want to feel after treatment, are good ways to empower them to work with you to get the most out of treatment.
    • Eg. “How do you want to feel after your treatment today?” “What do you want me to focus on during our time together?” 
  • Ask if there is anything that you need to be aware of to safely and supportively treat them, without shaming or judging them.
    • Eg. “Is there anything I should know about to make sure you are comfortable throughout your appointment? For example, any injuries, sensitivities, or allergies?” 
  • Invite them to ask questions or make requests for their comfort that may have been overlooked — let your client teach you how you can make things better for them for their next visit!
    • Eg. “What else would make you more comfortable before we get started?” “Do you have everything you need so you can relax and enjoy your treatment?” 

We are here to help you further your spa business’ inclusivity practices. Access your FREE Size-Inclusive Spa Checklist today. This essential tool is purpose-built for spa owners like you, designed to help evaluate the inclusivity of your business practices towards clients in larger-sized bodies. By applying the insights from this checklist, you’re well on your path to crafting a spa that exudes inclusivity, making sure every client, regardless of their size, feels authentically cherished and welcomed.

If you’re eager to discover effective strategies for reaching and growing your audience, attracting new clients, and boosting your revenue, visit our website at largerluxury.com and explore Larger Luxury: The Size-Inclusive Spa Course.

Achieve Workplace Inclusion: Boost Your Business with a DEI Audit

In the ever-evolving world of business, innovation and growth are the heartbeat of success. Whether you’re in manufacturing, retail, or any other sector, in today’s landscape, the challenges of attracting diverse talent and fostering workplace inclusion are ever-present. As a business owner striving for success, you understand the benefits of diversity in the workplace, yet navigating the path to true inclusivity seems daunting. This is where DEI audits step in, offering a roadmap to an inclusive workplace where every voice isn’t just heard but celebrated.

Why DEI Audits Matter

In today’s dynamic business environment, diversity isn’t just a buzzword; it’s the driving force behind innovation and progress. Businesses thrive when they tap into the diverse perspectives and talents of their workforce. However, it’s not enough to simply have diversity; to create a truly vibrant and successful workplace, it’s essential that every voice is not just heard but celebrated. This is where DEI audits play a pivotal role. DEI  strategy audits go beyond surface-level diversity initiatives; they provide a structured approach to understanding, assessing, and improving the inclusivity of your workplace culture.

Common Workplace Inclusion Challenges

Creating a diverse and inclusive workplace is not without its hurdles. As a business owner, you may be encountering the following challenges:

1. Ineffective Recruitment Strategies

Does your talent pool often look homogenous? Imagine a workplace where fresh perspectives and diverse talents drive innovation.

2. Lack of Understanding and Buy-In

Have you noticed a disconnect in DEI conversations within your team? Without a unified understanding and commitment, DEI initiatives can remain stagnant.

3. Retention Challenges

High turnover rates can hinder progress and morale. An inclusive culture isn’t just about recruitment; it’s about creating an environment where everyone stays, and thrives.

4. Legal Compliance Concerns

Navigating the legal landscape of DEI can be daunting. Identifying equity-seeking groups and complying with laws such as the Employment Equity Act are crucial for a fair and equitable workplace.

Discover the Power of a DEI Audit

Imagine this: your business is a thriving hub of innovation, but you sense a subtle disconnect among your team members. While diverse in backgrounds, recent exit interviews suggest some employees feel their perspectives and contributions are not valued. You’re not alone in this challenge; many businesses face similar situations. This is where the power of a DEI audit comes into play.

A DEI audit isn’t just a checklist; it’s a journey of discovery and transformation. It’s about delving deep into the fabric of your business to uncover hidden insights and opportunities. Here’s how it can help propel your business forward:

Understand Your Workplace Demographics:

  • Uncover the diversity makeup of your organization.
  • Set goals aligned with your values and the needs of your team.

Attract and Retain Diverse Talent:

  • Learn strategies to attract a diverse pool of candidates.
  • Ensure equal opportunities for growth and advancement within your team.

Create Inclusive Policies:

  • Review and revise policies to ensure they reflect inclusive practices.
  • Foster a culture of equity where every member feels valued and respected.
How a DEI Audit Works

A DEI audit serves as a powerful tool for understanding the current state of your workplace and identifying areas for improvement. Here are just a few ways it can drive positive change:

Promote Inclusive Culture:

  • Foster inclusive leadership practices to empower all team members.
  • Establish Employee Resource Groups (ERGs) to provide support and a sense of community.

Ensure Accessibility:

  • Make sure your workplace is physically and digitally accessible to all employees, including those with disabilities.

Measure Progress:

  • Use metrics and Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) to track the impact of your DEI strategy efforts
  • Monitor progress over time to ensure you’re moving towards your diversity and inclusion goals.
Ready for Solutions?

As your DEI consultant, at MT Consulting Group we understand that workplace inclusion is about action. Imagine having the in-house expertise to take that action and conduct your own DEI audit. That’s why we’ve developed the DIY DEI Workplace Audit Training for organizations that are ready to embrace change from within. Empower your team with the knowledge and tools needed to drive meaningful change. 

If you’re ready to uncover solutions, foster diversity, and drive innovation within your business, sign up to be the first to know when the DIY DEI Workplace Audit Training* launches.

*The DIY DEI Workplace Audit Training is eligible for the Alberta Job Grant, which covers ⅔ of the program cost for employers.

The Challenge of Inclusive Marketing: Addressing Size Bias in Stock Imagery

A person relaxing on the beach, letting the sun shine on their skin while on vacation on a poster at a travel agency. The photo on the local coffee shop’s Instagram page, of a guest drinking from a mug. The people you see embracing on the cover of a romance novel. In your mind, how many of these images are of fat or above-average-size people? 

We’re not here to shame you for imagining only straight-sized (as opposed to plus-sized) people in this brief exercise. We just want to point out the strong bias against, and lack of representation of plus-size and fat bodies in society.  Just like the broader conversation about diversity in mass media like movies and television, inclusive marketing is important for ensuring that all people can see themselves reflected back at them. 

Take, for instance, the effect on athletic equipment company Nike, when they began to include plus-size mannequins to display their expanded sizes in athletic wear. It was not enough just to create and sell inclusive sizes. When Nike Inc. started to include larger mannequins in stores and fat athletes in their advertisements, they interrupted the common, fatphobic narrative that athletic equals thin or muscular. They began to support a brand story that includes a wider range of body types in the athletic wear industry. And it even boosted the brand among a huge percentage of consumers

Obviously, not every business is going to have access to a marketing budget the size of a global brand like Nike. This is where the lack of body diversity in stock photography is a huge issue.  Type a prompt like “business meeting” or “spa client” into a stock image search, and it is unlikely you will see any fat people, unless you add specific, additional key words to the search. This is one of a variety of ways that larger bodies are quietly forgotten and excluded from everyday existence and representation. 

When it comes to pushing this particular needle, there are a few ways to support change towards more diversity in available stock photos — including low or no-cost options. 

If your business is looking for stock photography or artwork to use for your inclusive marketing materials, seek out imagery that includes people with different sizes, shapes, and abilities. (This will require use of those additional key words, at least for now!) Demonstrate to search algorithms that the demand for this kind of imagery is high! 

Seek out influencers and models with diverse backgrounds and body types, and support their work through sharing (low to no-cost), and hiring them when it comes time to invest in your inclusive marketing budget. And encourage colleagues and peers to do the same when you have the chance! This also normalizes a wider diversity of people in the marketing and modelling industries, which can support diversity overall. 

Just like Nike with their plus sized ambassadors, designing your marketing to demonstrate inclusivity through visuals can take your values-based business planning to the next level. 

If you’re eager to discover effective strategies for reaching and growing your audience, attracting new clients, and boosting your revenue, check out MT Consulting Group’s newest offering, The Inclusive Marketing Playbook: Strategies for Spas and Beauty Professionals.

If you’re eager to discover even more strategies for reaching and growing your audience, attracting new clients, and boosting your revenue, visit MT Consulting Group’s newest course, Larger Luxury: The Size-Inclusive Spa Course.

Kristin Michelle is a small-fat, feminist, freelance writer. She can be found reading, writing, and fibercrafting at [at]ramblereader on Instagram. 

Unlocking the Power of A Diversity Calendar: A Guide to Genuine Inclusion

January means resolutions and goal-setting for most people, but for organizations it’s a great time to think about the calendar and how to use it to build an inclusive workplace.

In the ever-evolving landscape of diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI), creating a diversity calendar is more than a mere nod to cultural celebrations. It’s an opportunity to authentically honour the unique tapestry of your organization’s cultures and identities. Beyond flashy banners and social media posts, a truly inclusive workplace requires a deeper commitment that transcends performative actions.

Understanding the Essence of a Diversity Calendar

A diversity calendar serves as a beacon, guiding organizations through various months, days, and events significant to different groups. However, its potential extends far beyond a list of dates. Genuinely honouring diversity is one of the best employee engagement strategies. Ask them about the months and dates beyond statutory holidays that hold personal importance. This approach ensures that the calendar is not just a corporate directive but a reflection of the collective values, traditions and beliefs within your organization.

Fostering Flexibility and Cultural Competence in the Workplace

A robust diversity calendar is not confined to fixed dates; it embodies flexibility. Integrate flexible holidays, allowing individuals to choose when they take a day off to celebrate. Embrace the diversity within your workforce by understanding the historical, cultural, and religious events that shape your employees as people. This understanding paves the way for proactive conflict resolution and sets the stage for a more harmonious workplace.

Beyond Performative Actions: Building Authentic Connections

Performative actions during diverse events can do more harm than good. Instead, spotlight specific employees who contribute to the creation of products or services tied to an event. Consider allocating a portion of the profits toward the cause, turning symbolic gestures into tangible support. Sharing employees’ stories amplifies voices historically unheard, fostering a sense of belonging and understanding.

Community Engagement: Going Beyond the Office Walls

Authentic inclusion extends beyond workplace boundaries. Engage with the community by organizing volunteer events, supporting businesses, or donating to causes aligned with diverse events. Use your platform to spotlight businesses and brands owned by diverse entrepreneurs, share resources, and raise awareness about various cultural celebrations. A diversity calendar becomes a tool not only for internal engagement but also for making a positive impact in the wider community.

Inclusive Event Planning: A Year-Round Commitment

While diverse events shine a spotlight on specific groups at specific times, authentic support should extend throughout the year. Use these moments to review your business ecosystem and evaluate opportunities for diversity in your suppliers and recruitment efforts. Communicate your goals transparently, showcasing your commitment to ongoing inclusion and progress.

The Role of Allyship in the Workplace and Genuine Inclusion

Being an ally involves more than marking a day on the calendar. It requires the organization to take the lead in creating platforms, operating tech, marketing events, and driving audience participation. Let diverse events be an opportunity to showcase the stars— your employees and the community organizations they support.

A diversity calendar is not just a tool for scheduling; it’s a compass guiding organizations toward a more inclusive and culturally aware workplace. It’s about understanding, celebrating, and building connections that last beyond the designated days, fostering an environment where everyone feels valued. Let your diversity calendar be a testament to your commitment to genuine inclusion.

If you’re a small business or organization looking to embrace diversity and inclusion, but you’re just not sure where to start, our Diversity Calendar Toolkit is your practical first step. No jargon, no complications – just a straightforward guide to understanding and celebrating your diverse teams and clientele. Elevate your team dynamics, innovation and success with this simple, effective tool that makes diversity and inclusion an everyday practice.

3 Easy Ways to Make Your Spa Business Plan More Size-Inclusive

Does your spa business plan combat weight stigma ?

While dismantling fatphobia and negative bias is complex and requires work, it doesn’t all need to be overly complex! We’ve compiled a list of relatively easy steps to take, to start your journey towards creating a spa that embraces body diversity, without taking a ton of time.

1: (Re)assess the furniture in your waiting room and other spaces.

You want your clients to have a relaxing experience from the moment they arrive at your business. Consider including a variety of sitting arrangements and furniture to accommodate a wide variety of bodies. 

Some folks rely on chair arms to help them stand; others are better off without, to have room for wider hips or big bellies. All clients deserve dignity and comfort in your space, so consider having seating with different accessibility options, or even (re)movable arms to provide options for everyone! 

Finally, don’t forget to account for passage space between furniture for people who use mobility aids like walkers or scooters to be able to navigate through.

2: Size up your linens, towels, and robes.

Imagine arriving at a hotel expecting the promise of a crisp, clean bed, only to have to explicitly request that pillows and sheets needed to be brought up to your room after you already checked in. It would be pretty uncomfortable, or even annoying, wouldn’t it? 

A key action in your day-to-day operations should be ensuring that the right size of linens is available for your clients, so that they don’t have to ask to be accommodated after the fact. Many people whose bodies fall outside of a conventional standard can often be made to feel like they are burdensome, or being too demanding, and avoid the possibility of being denied by not asking for what they need at all. This is especially true of women, who are socialized to sacrifice their comfort for others all the time!

Show your client that you are thinking about their comfort, and be intentional about providing them the luxurious experience they deserve and you strive for! 

3: Incorporate inclusion and accommodations in your booking forms and website

Just like in our last example, you wouldn’t want to have to ask for sheets for your bed after you already checked in, so consider giving your clients the option to specify their needs ahead of their arrival, so they can start relaxing right away at the time of their treatment.

This could include: 

  • writing questions on your booking forms about the size of spa robe or slippers your client needs, so you can prepare (or acquire) them in advance 
  • providing information about the spa, such as weight capacities of your equipment, and accommodations you are able to provide to ensure a dignified, relaxing experience, clearly on your booking website
  • soliciting feedback from clients, or potential clients, through a submission process to inform your future planning to create even more inclusion moving forward! 

Ready to get started? Access your FREE Larger Luxury Size-Inclusive Spa Checklist today. This essential tool is purpose-built for spa owners like you, designed to help evaluate the inclusivity of your business practices towards clients in larger-sized bodies. By applying the insights from this checklist, you’re well on your path to crafting a spa that exudes inclusivity, making sure every client, regardless of their size, feels authentically cherished and welcomed.

For more strategies and solutions to create an inclusive spa business plan, see our blog posts on how to talk about bodies neutrally, and three easy ways to make your spa more inclusive. When you are ready to grow your business and harness the power of diversity and inclusion to expand your clientele base, visit us at LargerLuxury.com for our expertise and training. 

Kristin Michelle is a small-fat, feminist, freelance writer. She can be found reading, writing, and fibercrafting at [at]ramblereader on Instagram. 

The Business Case for Size-Inclusive Spas or How Not to Leave Money on the Treatment Table

Why embracing fat-inclusive wellness will boost your business 

When considering inclusivity in your spa, what comes to mind first? Perhaps you think of wheelchair ramps, gender-neutral washrooms, or even LGBTQ pride flags posted on your door. But have you ever considered potential obstacles for clients of a larger size or weight in your business? This is where being size-inclusive comes in.

Fatphobia, or discrimination against people based on the size and/or weight of their body, can be subtle or unintentional, but no less harmful to your potential clients. From linens or robes that don’t reach around a person’s body, to massage tables too weak to safely support higher weights, many people are unable to access wellness services because of circumstances out of their control. 

We’re here today to help you consider the long-term benefits for your spa business to invest in size-inclusive equipment and practices for people of all shapes and sizes. Here are our main three benefits to embracing body diversity in your spa! 

Client Retention and Expansion of Customer Base

Building strong relationships with your customers starts with giving them a positive, impactful experience. Creating a safe, empowering space for visitors to your spa also fosters loyalty and repeat business. Once you have provided feelings of  welcome and appreciation at your business, customers are more likely to tell their friends, colleagues and family about your service — not to mention, they’re more likely to return, themselves! 

When a person of any size, weight, or ability can be treated to a positive, luxurious spa experience, you set yourself up to be talked about in a positive light, and attract more business from a wider range of communities. 

Ethical, Size-Inclusive Brand Image

Consumers have more information in the palms of their hands than ever before, thanks to online review sites, apps, and social media. When it comes to choosing between two businesses, consumers are increasingly more likely to patronize brands that demonstrate their ethics in practice. 

Embracing body diversity and combatting weight stigma in your spa reflects commitment to inclusive wellness. Furthermore, practicing intersectional inclusivity enhances brand image by demonstrating social responsibility. 

Legal Compliance and Risk Mitigation

The last thing you want for your clients and employees is for them to be unsafe in your spa! Having equipment that accommodates all kinds of bodies provides comfort and safety to your clients and technicians at your spa. For example, by investing in a higher weight-bearing massage table, you and your team will be able to work confidently with clients of more sizes, without the risk of injury, or its associated worry! 

Finally, making changes to include size in your inclusivity practice reduces legal risks related to discrimination. Higher body weight is a common side effect of many medical conditions, and for many is simply coded into their DNA. Disclosure of such conditions are protected by privacy laws under Canadian Human Rights law, which could result in human rights complaints or other legal consequences. An experience of fatphobia or weight discrimination can also lead to reputational damage, such as through online reviews mentioned earlier. 

To mitigate the risk of infringing on someone’s rights, or becoming engaged in any dispute about discriminatory practices, take steps to ensure that everyone is actually welcome, regardless of their size. 

In conclusion, embracing size-inclusive practices in your spa isn’t just about being politically correct; it’s about expanding your horizons and boosting your business in meaningful ways. By opening your doors to people of all shapes and sizes, you’re not only expanding your customer base but also building a reputation as an ethical and socially responsible brand. This will help with client retention! Ensuring legal compliance and mitigating risks adds another layer of protection for your spa. The road to inclusivity may seem daunting, but the rewards are boundless. So, as you envision the future of your spa, remember that embracing body diversity is not only the right thing to do; it’s also a smart business move that will have a lasting, positive impact on your clients, your employees, and your bottom line. It’s time to make your spa a place where everyone truly feels welcome, regardless of their size. The possibilities are endless, and your journey to success begins here.

Ready to get started? Access your FREE Larger Luxury Size-Inclusive Spa Checklist today. This essential tool is purpose-built for spa owners like you, designed to help evaluate the inclusivity of your business practices towards clients in larger-sized bodies. By applying the insights from this checklist, you’re well on your path to crafting a spa that exudes inclusivity, making sure every client, regardless of their size, feels authentically cherished and welcomed.

If you’re eager to discover effective strategies for reaching and growing your audience, attracting new clients, and boosting your revenue, see our blog posts on how to talk about bodies neutrally, and three easy ways to make your spa more inclusive.

When you’re ready to grow your business and harness the power of diversity and inclusion to expand your clientele base and boost your client retention, visit us at LargerLuxury.com for our expertise and training. 

Kristin Michelle is a small-fat, feminist, freelance writer. She can be found reading, writing, and fibercrafting at [at]ramblereader on Instagram. 

Reflections from a Barber: The Prevalence of DEI in the Hair Industry

Step into the vibrant world of the hair industry, where every snip and clip tells a story of diversity, equity, and inclusion.

The aroma of Clippercide disinfectant fills the air, catching the early morning light in its path. Every Barber chair has a unique person sitting in it, sharing their life experiences or stories in some form or another. The Barber to the right of me speaks their first language with their client, laughing about stories from their countries of origin. The Barber to the left of me, a son of two Immigrant parents, performs a hot shave on an older adult who has been getting hot shaves routinely since well before I was born. More times than not, the vibrant diversity of Canadian culture feels showcased in a busy Barbershop. Despite retiring from being a Barber, the Hair Industry undoubtedly has showcased different aspects of DEI, or lack thereof, to me time and time again.

As of 2021, almost a quarter of the Canadian population are, or at some point have been, an Immigrant or Permanent Resident, according to Statistics Canada. As such, Barbershops and Hair Salons inherently deal with diverse clientele. In 2021 to 2023, the market size, measured by revenue, of the hair care industry alone was between 1.62 to 1.76 billion CAD, according to Statistics Canada. So, with such a diverse population, and a consistently growing market size, what is the prevalence of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) in the hair industry? Here are some industry reflections from a retired Barber:

DEI Gaps in Barber Training

Have you ever walked into a Barbershop to see if there was time for a haircut, but were turned away due to the texture of your hair, and the lack of experienced Barbers who can cut it? This is a troubling truth in the Hair Industry that doesn’t gain much attention. The gap between what is being taught in hair schools or training courses doesn’t match the needs of many people. Those who have coily or curly hair generally can’t just walk-into any Barbershop, they have to seek out specialized shops that deal primarily with coiled hair. This gap between education and real-world practice needs to be addressed and changed, as the harm and exclusion it causes is unacceptable and damaging to many.

Diversity in Clientele

Barbershops are generally very culturally vibrant and diverse places, with a wide variety of different folks passing through. Whether it be immigrants, newcomers, or refugees, or those who identify as 2SLGTBQI+, the relaxing yet social experience of a good haircut is truly for all. Because of the daily diverse clientele, Barbers generally are mindful of cross-cultural interactions in their daily practice and utilize Cultural Competency. In our previous blog post, we defined Cultural Competency as the ability to be aware of your own culture, that others have a culture that is as vast and complex as your own, and ultimately how these cultures interact with each other. More and more Barbershops promote themselves as diverse and/or safe spaces, while an increasing number of “old school” shops that promote toxic stereotypes or practices are closing their doors. Seeing Barbershops and Hair Salons increasingly promote their inclusivity is not only great for both employee and client morale, but it nurtures the ever-growing DEI movement, and the rise of Culturally Competent professionals.

Positive Changes for the Future

although there are inherent problems in the Hair Industry that need to be addressed, positive changes are occurring. The rise in different hair education courses to cut all types of hair, the inclusion of 2SLGTBQI+ flags and safe space indicators, and the overall cultural shift in hair care spaces becoming more diverse, equitable, and inclusive rings a positive tone for the days to come, that will ultimately benefit employer, employee, and clients alike.

If you want to consider expanding your knowledge on how important DEI related topics are to a workplace, be sure to consider Basecamp: DEI Foundations Certificate for a safe environment to not only learn but to grow.

Noah Hobbs, a Settlement Studies student at Norquest College, is an intern with MT Consulting Group, writing about intercultural competence and DEI in industry.