How AI will change the DEI landscape

In November 2022, the world of technology changed forever. The soft launch of OpenAI’s chatbot, ChatGPT, ignited a new Space race in the tech world. So, what does this new tech development mean for DEI practitioners and HR professionals?

AI vs Generative AI

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has been around the block. It functions on the most basic level by learning from a large data set, then predicts, analyzes, and responds to specific interactions. You’re probably using an AI-operated system in your daily life when you:

  • Ask Siri for directions
  • Turn on live captioning on YouTube videos
  • Turn on live transcription during Google Meets
  • Use Duolingo to learn a language
  • Use Grammarly for edits and recommendations
  • Ask for coding assistance through Copilot

The commotion over ChatGPT is that it takes AI one step further by generating new content. Generative AI also uses machine learning, but instead of predicting content, it analyzes content to produce a spontaneous output. In the case of ChatGPT, this can be a perfectly crafted cover letter that uses every term listed on a job posting. In another example, Adobe can take text and turn it into a recording indistinguishable from a person’s voice. The advancements in generative AI have pushed machines past the point of just assisting to produce.

How does this relate to DEI?

Equity, diversity, and inclusion (EDI) initiatives don’t live in a vacuum, and AI advancements will continue to impact marginalized folks. On the one hand, assistive technology, like speech-to-text, has provided opportunities for those who are physically impaired to communicate. Conversely, facial detection systems can be used to racially profile individuals in public spaces. Safiya Noble, the writer of Algorithms of Oppression, warns about the dangers of machine learning and the data used to teach it. As a thought experiment, consider the consequences of an automatic tap that is only trained to recognize Caucasian skin tones.

AI and DEI

So, how can generative AI help with EDI initiatives? Let’s dive into 3 ways AI can support marginalized folks in their day-to-day life.

1)   Create Meeting Notes

Fresh off the heels of their multi-billion dollar investments into OpenAI, Microsoft will launch a premium version of Microsoft Teams powered by ChatGPT. This upgraded system will automatically create meeting notes, list recommended tasks based on the discussion, and provide personalized highlights. Beyond note-taking, the system will divide the meeting recording into sections and schedule any future meetings mentioned. For neurodivergent individuals, these upgraded functions can help organize and manage the large amount of information provided during meetings. Additionally, detailed notes and sub-divided recordings make information recall a simple task.

2)   Writing Assistance

ChatGPT is not a perfect writer, but it is a fantastic assistant. Provided with enough context, the chatbot can write any text in any style. For English Language Learners, this can look like an AI editor who proofreads text for tone, clarity, or style. It can also be used as a translation tool, providing (mostly) accurately translated text. Most impressively, it can provide copy text for a website or report with sufficient input.

3)   Create Content

Generative AI has also reached visual forms like images and videos. For example, DALL-E (developed by OpenAI) and Midjourney are systems that take text prompts and turn them into images. In the competitive world of content creation (think a website blog post or a social media ad), small business owners who don’t have access to a design department can generate hyper-specific images. Alternatively, AI-generated images can create medical illustrations that depict skin tones unseen, supporting the work of individuals like Chidiebere Ibe.

Generative AI will change the landscape of technology and our relationship with it. As new developments come to light, it will be crucial to keep in mind its impact on marginalized communities. In part II of this series, I will dive into the challenges and potential harm between AI and EDI.

Don’t miss any of our blogs, events, or training updates. Sign up for our monthly newsletter below!

Charlotte Wray is a contributing writer at MT Consulting Group.

Chinese New Year vs Lunar New Year

In January or February of each year, communities across Canada celebrate Chinese New Year loud and proud. Signalling the start of spring and the end of winter, this holiday is one of the most important times of the year for Chinese families. The parades, red decorations, dragon dances, and large meals are all part of the festivities for Chinese communities.

So why are people calling it Lunar New Year instead? 

The truth is that Chinese New Year was never exclusive to the Chinese community. The celebration of a new year based on the lunar cycles is widespread across Asia. As Chinese communities in Canada grew, they were able to host large, highly visible events. However, the growth of other Asian communities has led to a diversity in those who celebrate Lunar New Year. This includes countries and regions like Hong Kong, Indonesia, Japan, Korea, Malaysia, Mongolia, Philippines, Singapore, and Taiwan. Changing the name creates the opportunity to be inclusive of any Asian community that celebrates this important holiday.

When is the Lunar New Year? 

The calendar most countries use today is called the Gregorian calendar. Implemented in 1582 by Pope Gregory XIII the calendar tracked the sun’s rotation, which amounted to 365 days a year. This calendar became widespread across Europe throughout the 17th – 18th century, before spreading across Asia in the 19th – 20th century. Before and during this time, other countries and religions utilised a lunisolar calendar, which combined cycles of the moon and sun to determine the passage of time. For those following the lunisolar calendar, one lunar year is 12 full moon cycles which account for 354 days. This is why the Lunar New Year either falls in January or February. 

How do you celebrate the Lunar New Year? 

There are hundreds of ways to celebrate the Lunar New Year, with variations between countries, regions, and families. For Chinese communities, each year of the lunar cycle brings a new zodiac represented by 12 animals: rat, ox, tiger, rabbit, dragon, snake, horse, sheep, monkey, rooster, dog, and pig. To commemorate the new zodiac, decorations representing the animal will be hung up alongside other red and gold decorations. Families usually deep clean before the new year, to avoid sweeping away any good luck brought in on the first day of the new year. Parades of dragon dances and music are also popular, as well as gift giving in the form of red envelopes (filled with money).

The Korean New Year is called Seollal. The most crucial aspect of Seollal is that everyone is now considered one year older, as their age is marked by the lunar calendar and not their birth date. During Seollal, families spend 3 days visiting, eating, and paying respect to their ancestors. Families will get together for games and children will pay their respects to elders who gift them money. 

There are similarities and overlapping traditions for Lunar New Year celebrations. Although this is not an exhaustive list, it does provide a glimpse into the importance of this holiday for Asian communities. 

How can you celebrate the Lunar New Year at work?

We have 3 easy ways for you to join in on the festivities this year: 

  1. Share a meal together 
    1. Host a dumpling making party 
    2. Host a potluck of traditional foods 
    3. Order catering from an Asian-owned restaurant 
  1. Decorate the office with red or gold 
    1. Decorate with red paper lanterns
    2. Buy real or paper flowers 
    3. Find decorations with the new zodiac animal 
  1. Make it easy for employees to take time off 
    1. Encourage employees to take time off to be with family 
    2. Avoid setting deadlines around the Lunar New Year
    3. Adjust PTO policies so that employees can easily take time off during January or February 

If you’re interested in learning more about how training, policy changes, or workshops can create a more inclusive workplace, feel free to reach out

Charlotte Wray is a contributing writer at MT Consulting Group.

Where are all the neurodivergent people coming from? Part II

I was completely unaware of my ADHD and Autism for most of my life. I spent over 9 years in professional work environments thinking that my chronic fatigue was laziness and that I was indecisive and incompetent when I spread myself thin working on multiple tasks at once instead of prioritizing based on urgency like my peers. Somehow, I still managed to hustle through these challenges to get the job done, but not without metaphorical scrapes and bruises. It wasn’t until my own diagnosis that I learned about the existence of neurodiversity.

What is neurodiversity?

Simply put, it’s diversity aka having variations in or different ways our brains and nervous system works. We know that biodiversity is essential to all life processes on Earth. Different organisms thrive in certain ecosystems where others may not, but this is necessary as our world is made of different environments. It’s the same with neurodiversity. If we are to be creative and innovative in solving today’s most complex problems, we need all the different ways that brains can think and process information. 

Different neurotypes are like different operating systems for computers. They process information differently, require different specs in order to run, and have different areas of strengths and weaknesses. However, with computers, we get to decide what operating system we want to use based on what we’re trying to do. With human brains, you get the one that you get.

But what we can learn from this analogy is that there’s value in different types of operating systems, otherwise, there wouldn’t be different types. People would just keep buying the one and the others would run out of business. Different neurotypes bring different strengths, and we need all of them to flourish. Neurodiversity is an example of biodiversity which means that different brains and neurotypes have always existed and have evolved just like the rest of the biological world.

Types of neurodivergence

The two most commonly referred to types of neurodivergence are ADHD and Autism. However, neurodivergence includes all the variations of brains that are divergent from the “norm” – commonly referred to as neurotypical. Other examples of neurodivergence include, but are not limited to, OCD, Tourette Syndrome, BPD, Bipolar, traumatic brain injuries, and PTSD.

Similar to other privileged identities, just because neurotypicality is the dominant neurotype, doesn’t mean it’s the best, most useful, or the one we should value and aspire to. With proper support to ensure needs are met, neurodivergent people can also thrive and make significant contributions to the work we do, the communities they’re a part of, and the lives of those around them.

Neurodiversity at work

Organizations have become increasingly more aware of the valuable strengths neurodivergent people bring to the workplace:

  • Creative out-of-the-box thinking
  • Detail-oriented while keeping track bigger picture context
  • Questioning how things are done leading to process improvements
  • Pattern recognition and drawing connections between seemingly unrelated things
  • The ability (and desire) to keep digging for creative solutions to complex problems
  • Honest and deeply committed to fairness and justice
  • Better understanding of the consumer – studies show neurodivergent people make up nearly 20% of the population

What’s next?

Awareness of neurodiversity and how it shows up in the workplace is the first step. This is a very critical and important step that many organizations are making toward a more inclusive work environment. Understanding how different brains work will help you to identify how different aspects of the environment or processes may unintentionally create barriers for neurodivergent people. In the next and last part of this series, I’ll share 5 simple and easy-to-implement ways of making your work environment more inclusive.

Don’t miss any of our blogs, events, or training updates. Sign up for our monthly newsletter below!

Anica Dang (they/she) is a regular contributor to MT Consulting Group, with a focus on neurodiversity in the workplace.

Meet the Founders – Part II

In this blog post, we want to introduce co-founder Sherilyn Trompetter! Her passion for facilitation, coaching, and learning are key to her leadership at MT Consulting Group. So read on to learn about the “why” behind Sherilyn’s passion. 

This post was written after an interview with Sherilyn, conducted by Charlotte Wray. 

Who is Sherilyn Trompetter?

Drawn to empower others whenever she can, Sherilyn has always been a people person. She credits her professional and personal life to AIESEC, a student group focused on building cross-cultural understanding amongst youth. Not only did AIESEC introduce lifelong friendships, but also accelerated a lifelong desire to travel the world. It was through the group that Sherilyn was offered the opportunity to participate in an internship in India. There she supported families seeking educational opportunities in Canada. 

After graduation, Sherilyn eventually found herself back at the University of Alberta (U of A), as a staff working with Education Abroad. There she supported students who wanted to study and live abroad. Inspired by their experiences, Sherilyn decided to embark on her own study abroad journey, as an MBA student at both the U of A and Tecnológico de Monterrey in Mexico (Campus Guadalajara). After completing her degree, Sherilyn shifted into leadership roles in not-for-profit organisations before landing the role of Assistant Dean Student Services in the Faculty of Science at the U of A . From that point on, Sherilyn moved into program development roles supporting international students and international partnerships at UAInternational, and the Faculty of Arts. Now, she leverages her extensive experience in program development, international relations, and coaching to lead MT Consulting Group. 

“Part of my DNA is service” 

Sherilyn describes herself as Luisa from the Disney movie Encanto: an individual who is always eager to lend a helping hand. This dedication to serving others was nurtured from a young age, as Sherilyn was the oldest sibling and the oldest cousin born in Canada. Her dedication to people is the undercurrent of her career, however it was most apparent during her term as Assistant Director at Changing Together, A Centre for Immigrant Women. As Assistant Director, one of her many responsibilities was to research human trafficking of immigrant women into Alberta for the sex trade. As she connected with more organizations and community partners, it became obvious that their lens of human trafficking was too narrow. In a bid to broaden their support, Sherilyn and Andrea Burkhart co-founded Alberta Coalition on Human Trafficking in 2010, with the aim of building awareness and training to a larger audience. 15 years on, ACT Alberta continues to serve their vision of eradicating human trafficking through training programs, publishing researching, and victim supports.

A trauma-Informed Coach 

In 2021, Sherilyn’s focus shifted from program development to business development. Always an entrepreneur at heart, Sherilyn took the opportunity of a layoff from the University of Alberta in 2021 as a time to complete her coaching certificate. Sherilyn chose to specialise in trauma-informed coaching as a complement to her burgeoning career as a DEI consultant.  It can be easy to trivialise the microaggressions that occur while working as a racial or gender minority, but Sherilyn reminds us that these small patterns become trauma in our bodies, especially coming out of a global pandemic. As a coach, Sherilyn provides clarity and accountability, to help clients understand and work through their traumas. 

“In coaching, you see the person in front of you as whole and complete.”

As a business owner, a coach, a consultant, and a mother, Sherilyn strives to build and deepen relationships with the people around her. Whether she’s acting as a consultant or a coach, she strives to meet people where they’re at and respect the knowledge and experience that they bring.
If you are looking for a coach that can empower you in your career, we encourage you to book a coaching session with Sherilyn. Find out more about our coaching services here.

DEI Trends for 2023

What do employees want in 2023? 

As the year comes to a close, there are many predictions for the future of work in 2023. 

Although we can’t claim to know the future, we want to share 3 DEI trends that will impact organizations in the long and short term. 

Flexible Work Arrangements 

In a survey administered to over 6000 Canadians, the Future Skills Centre found that almost 1 in 2 Canadians occasionally work from home. Among those who do so, 78% agreed that remote work was better than working in an office. So it’s time to admit that flexible work arrangements, like remote work, are here to stay.

Flexible work arrangements are crucial for attracting millennials, and Gen Z hires. They are also important for existing employees who are challenged by in-person workplaces. For example, caregivers and parents are afforded more time to work as they no longer fight with traffic. In addition, individuals with physical disabilities are not hindered by inaccessible transit systems or office spaces. The opportunity to work partially or fully remotely creates accessible and inclusive workplaces for everyone. 

If your organization is considering flexible work arrangements, here are a few ideas:

  • Test out hybrid work for your team by choosing one day a week when everyone works remotely.  
  • Practice using video conferencing software (like Zoom or Google Meet) in regular meetings to introduce remote meeting etiquette 
  • Start using a digital communication channel. This could be a newsletter or a system like Slack or Microsoft Teams. 

Employee Wellness 

Mental health has become an HR buzzword for the last few years, but what does it mean for employers? In their 11th annual survey of young workers, Deloitte found that 46% of Gen Z and 38% of millennials are stressed almost all the time from professional, personal, and global issues. So, just as workplaces accommodate an employee with a physical injury, they should also accommodate mental health needs. 

Focusing on employee wellness can start small. Here’s how: 

  • Offer sick days that include mental or physical health concerns. Refrain from asking employees to prove their use of a sick day.
  • Have an anonymous feedback system that allows employees to voice concerns without worrying about their job or reputation. 
  • Foster a welcoming environment by allowing employees to celebrate important holidays and cultural celebrations at work. 
  • Create office rules of engagement to ensure everyone understands the importance and consequence of upholding a welcoming company culture. 

Using technology to create accessible workplaces

Technology advancements create opportunities for accessible workplaces, and it doesn’t always have to be expensive. For example, software developed for remote work has opened doors for more accessible ways of working. Even if your organization operates in person, these collaborative tools can create a more accessible workplace. 

So, here are some ways to start:

  • Consider hosting meetings virtually so that meetings can be recorded, transcribed, and include live closed captioning (For example, Zoom, Google Meet).
  • Invest in planning or scheduling software that can accommodate different styles of working. Tools like Asana, Notion, or Monday can offer creative and fun collaborative tools.
  • Use a central communication platform like Slack, Workplace by Meta, or Microsoft Teams so that everyone can communicate however they like.

The theme for 2023 is autonomy. Creating a more inclusive workplace will require organizations to provide options for greater autonomy at work. Empowering employees to work in the conditions that make them most productive will create a diverse, engaged, and resilient workplace. 

Reach out to us If you’re interested in building an inclusive organization with engaged and diverse employees. 

Charlotte Wray is a contributing writer at MT Consulting Group.

Remembering December 6, 1989 

National Day of Remembrance and Action of Violence against Women is held on December 6 each year to commemorate the École Polytechnique Massacre. The massacre occurred on December 6, 1989 when a gunman targeted women at the school, resulting in the death of 14 women and the injury of 10 women and 4 men. From witness accounts and the attacker’s own writing, the massacre was gender-based, fueled by the attacker’s hatred of feminist and advancements in women’s rights. 2 years after the incident, the Canadian government enacted a National Day of Remembrace to denounce violence against women. Since then, December 6 has become an important day to remember everyone who has experienced gender-based violence, including women, girls, Two Spirit, trans and non-binary people, and LGBTQ+ individuals.

An important part of remembering those lost is to say their names. Here are the 14 women who were murdered that day: 

  • Geneviève Bergeron – age 21, Civil Engineering
  • Hélène Colgan – age 23, Mechanical Engineering
  • Nathalie Croteau – age 23, Mechanical Engineering
  • Barbara Daigneault – age 23, Mechanical Engineering
  • Anne-Marie Edward – age 21, Chemical Engineering
  • Maud Haviernick – age 29, Environmental Design 
  • Maryse Laganière – age 25, Employee, Ecole Polytechnique
  • Maryse Leclair – age 23, Mechanical Engineering
  • Anne-Marie Lemay – age 27, Mechanical Engineering
  • Sonia Pelletier – age 28, Mechanical Engineering
  • Michèle Richard – age 21, Mechanical Engineering
  • Annie St-Arneault – age 23, Mechanical Engineering
  • Annie Turcotte – age 21, Engineering Materials
  • Barbara Klucznik-Widajewicz – age 31, Nursing Student

Gender-based violence defined 

Gender-based violence (GBV) is a symptom of the gender inequality that exists in society, which gives way to abuses in power or harmful cultural norms. It can take many shapes and includes any harmful act directed towards someone based on their gender. Disproportionately, this type of violence victimizes women, girls, Two Spirit, trans and non-binary people, and LGBTQ+ individuals.

It is important to remember that these abuses can be physical, mental, or financial and occur in any relationship dynamic. In Canada, GBV is commonly used to describe intimate partner violence or domestic violence. However, it also includes sexual violence, human trafficking, child marriage, femicide, or digital violence. Digital violence or cyberviolence has become more rampant since the advent of mobile devices and social media, leading to higher rates of harassment and stalking. Unfortunately, young women between the ages of 18-24 are more likely to experience cyber stalking, sexual harrasment, and physical threats online than then men the same age. The impact of digital violence can be both mental and physical, not to mention it can crossover with other types of GBV. Regardless of the type of violence, the main determiner of GBV is whether the individual is being targeted because of their gender. 

What can your organization do?

Understanding gender-based violence is the first step. Here are 3 more steps your organization can take!

  1. Be Educated on the signs of gender-based violence in the workplace 

Education can lead to greater recognition of the signs of GBV and also encourage employees to hold each other accountable. We can support you (through training or consultation) if this is a goal for your organization. 

  1. Actively support women and gender diverse individuals at work 
  • Creating policies and procedures that protect women, girls, Two Spirit, trans and non-binary people, and LGBTQ+ individuals against gender-based harassment 
  • Provide an anonymous reporting system for those who experience or witness GBV in the workplace 
  • Provide spaces for these individuals to meet, such as an Employee Resource Group (ERG) 
  1. Create and follow posts for the 16 Days of Activism Against Gender-based violence online 

This is a campaign that runs from November 25 (International Day Against Violence Against Women) to December 10 (International Human Rights Day). The goal of the campaign is to raise awareness of GBV, so creation and distribution of related content online is welcomed! 

Don’t miss any of our blogs, events, or training updates. Sign up for our monthly newsletter below!

Charlotte Wray is a contributing writer at MT Consulting Group. 

Where are all the neurodivergent people coming from? Part I

Spoiler alert: we’ve always been around.

However, many of us were missed by clinicians using antiquated diagnostic criteria or didn’t even make it to that stage due to inadequate access to assessments. While the pandemic has been a challenging time for everyone, more people, particularly women, girls, and non-binary folx, are learning about their neurodivergence, as a result of the widespread sharing of relatable personal experiences on social media. This was the case for me.

My Story

In 2019, I started a new job just before the pandemic. After only the first few months, I noticed that:

  • I could no longer finish any of my daily tasks, even after working overtime.
  • I was more forgetful and lost track of time often, no matter how many alarms and calendar reminders I had.
  • I became more irritable and my anxiety sky-rocketed making it difficult to work effectively with my teammates.
  • I was so exhausted, despite not even crossing much off the ever-growing to-do list, that I desperately needed to lay down as soon as I got home, even if I was hungry for dinner or had tasks to do.

When I got an assessment, I didn’t expect ADHD to be the outcome. I thought it was a flare-up of anxiety and depression caused by workplace stress, symptoms I’ve experienced most of my young and adult life. My therapist told me that had I gone in for this assessment even a week prior, I probably wouldn’t have gotten the ADHD diagnosis based on the criterion she was working with. But she recently attended a training that redefined what ADHD looks like, particularly for women and racialized people. We may be familiar with some of the classic ADHD traits, such as forgetfulness, disorganization, and excitability, however, these same qualities in a woman or racialized person are often misperceived as incompetence or even instability, so most of us learn early on to hide these parts of ourselves or overcompensate for them.

Making Sense of My Challenges

After a deeper dive with my therapist and working with an ADHD coach, I learned that like many neurodivergent individuals, my nervous system is very sensitive to external stimuli. I now recognize that it was my office environment that put extra pressure on my nervous system. I was in a shared open space where my desk touched the doorway of my manager’s office – a place where others would frequently stop by to ask “quick” questions or just chat.

Constantly seeing others appear in my periphery, overhearing bits and pieces of conversation, and feeling the vibrations of the door as I try to work was too much sensory information for my nervous system and brain to process. This was pre-pandemic before the rise of instant messaging on MS Teams – an easy and accessible accommodation adopted widely during the WFH phase.

What’s Next?

Most accommodations for neurodiversity at work are quite easy to implement and are low or no-cost. They also usually end up benefiting everyone on the team, not just the neurodivergent people. Part III of this series will detail 10 simple yet effective ways to be more accommodating of neurodivergence in the workplace.

In the meantime, what adaptations from working remotely did you keep after returning to the office? How have they impacted your team’s productivity and teamwork?

Don’t miss any of our blogs, events, or training updates. Sign up for our monthly newsletter below!

Anica Dang (they/she) writes for MT Consulting Group, with a focus on neurodiversity in the workplace. As a writer, they use self-reflection to explore and make meaning of personal and anecdotal stories by connecting them to wider cultural, political, and social contexts. In recent years, they’ve mostly done this to explore their neurodivergent identity as an Autistic ADHDer. They are passionate about the intersections and simultaneity of marginalized and privileged identities which inspires them to connect with people as both a coach and an educator.

Transgender Day of Remembrance

Every November 20, the transgender and larger LGBTQIA+ community come together to commemorate those lives lost to anti-transgender violence. Named Transgender Day of Remembrance, this day provides space and time for everyone to remember the violence faced by the transgender community everywhere. 

What is Transgender Day of Remembrance? 

Rita Hester was a transgender woman murdered on November 28, 1998. Loved deeply by her family and friends, Rita was known to live life large. She was born and raised in Hartford, Connecticut before leaving for the big city of Boston. It was there that her life was unjustly cut short just days before her 35th birthday. 24 years later, Kathleen, Rita’s mother, still waits for a verdict to her daughter’s murder. Like many other cases of violence against transgender people, Rita’s murder remains unsolved. 

A year later in 1999, a group held the first Transgender Day of Rememberance in San Francisco to bring awareness to anti-transgender violence. Led by Gwendolyn Ann Smith, the event was inspired by a conversation she had in 1998. She recalls a conversation held with friends where she lamented the deaths of two transgender women of colour (Rita Hester and Chanelle Pickett). No one in that group recognized Chanelle’s name and it dawned on Gwendolyn that these women were being forgotten. TDOR was created as a means to preserve not only their legacy, but the legacy of all transgender people who are killed due to anti-transgender violence.  

What is the purpose of TDOR?

Transgender Day of Remembrance is also called Trans Day of Remembrance or TDOR. On the evening of November 20, vigils are held, to provide the transgender community and allies with an opportunity to grieve and remember those who have passed. During these events, speakers, artists, spoken word poets, or musicians are brought together to create a space for healing. Though the activities and events may look different, across the world TDOR is a memorial for all the lives lost to bigotry, hate, and anti-transgender violence. 

To contrast the more somber occasion of Trans Day of Remembrance, Transgender Day of Visbility (TDOV) was introduced to celebrate the resilience of transgender people. Observed on March 31 of each year, TDOV celebrates the joys and successes of the community. You can read more about TDOV in our post Trans Day of Visibility: Why it Matters, How to Celebrate.

So how can organizations honour Trans Day of Remembrance? 

Unlearn biases 

  1. Book a training session with us to learn more about building inclusive spaces for transgender people
  2. Follow Trans Murder Monitoring to understand the impact of anti-transgender violance worldwide 

Support and donate to local organizations 

  1. CHEW’S Project: provide frontline support for 2SLGBTQ+ youth and emerging adults 
  2. Pride Centre of Edmonton: provide support to those with diverse sexual orientations, gender identifies, and gender expressions
  3. RARICANow: their aim is to promote human rights for all LGBTIQ+ refugees and newcomers in Canada  

Honour and celebrate the transgender community 

  1. Attend a candlelight vigil held for Trans Day of Remembrance 
  2. Purchase books, live performances, and media created by transgender artists
  3. Share transgender stories through online articles and social media posts 

Honouring Louis Riel

On November 16, Métis people across Canada will be honouring the life and sacrifices made by the prolific leader Louis Riel. Although Louis Riel Day is not a statutory holiday in Alberta, it is crucial to understand its significance to the Métis people.  

Who is Louis Riel? 

Born in 1844 in Red River Settlement, Manitoba, Louis Riel is celebrated for leading resistance movements against the Canadian government. First, was the Red River Rebellion of 1869 -1870. The resistance began as a reaction against the Hudson Bay Company’s (HBC) sale of Rupert’s Land to the new Canadian government. As the HBC had not consulted local First Nations and Métis communities, Riel formed the Métis National Committee to protect their rights. The formation of this provisional government forced the Canadian government to negotiate. 

During this time, the execution of Thomas Scott under Riel’s government provoked the Canadian government to send in a military expedition to Red River. Additionally, a $5000 bounty was placed on Riel for his role in Scott’s execution, forcing him into exile in the United States. Nonetheless, representatives from Red River were able to negotiate the creation of the province of Manitoba as well as other Métis rights in 1870. 

The second resistance movement occurred in 1885 when Riel was called back to support the Métis in Saskatchewan. Westward expansion and settlement had encroached on their land, and with no rights or protections, they called on him for support. Under his leadership, they formed the Provisional Government of Saskatchewan to negotiate and defend their land rights. However, their forces were defeated and Riel was captured. Tried for high treason and made to be an example, Riel was executed in Regina on November 16, 1885, at 41 years old. 

Who celebrates Louis Riel Day? 

There are two versions of Louis Riel day celebrated across Canada. In Manitoba, Louis Riel Day is celebrated on the third Monday in February. This statutory holiday was introduced in 2008 after schools across the province were asked to recommend a new holiday. 

For the Métis, Louis Riel’s legacy is honoured on November 16 instead. As Riel fought for the protection and preservation of Métis rights and culture, November 16 has become a day to celebrate all things Métis. A detrimental result of Riel’s trial and execution was the ostracization of Métis people in Canada; seen as traitors, they were forced to hide their heritage and culture. Nowadays, the Métis celebrate their culture, heritage, and struggles on November 16 as a continuation of Riel’s resistance. 

Next Steps:  

To honour the legacy of the Métis people, we recommend 3 ways businesses and organizations can honour Louis Riel Day in Alberta this week:

  1. Learn about the history and struggles of Métis people 
    1. Visit the Indigenous People’s Experience in Fort Edmonton 
    2. Read about Métis history through the Indigenous Peoples Atlas of Canada
    3. Visit the Virtual Museum of Métis History and Culture
  2. Support the Métis Nation of Alberta
    1. Sign up for Otipemisiwak Magazine to learn about MNA events and programming 
    2. Connect with the MNA Truth & Reconciliation Coordinator to collaborate on programming 
  1. Honour the contributions of the Métis people 
  1. Attend events held during Métis Week from November 13-19, 2022
  2. Support Métis owned businesses 
  3. Engage with media made by Métis creators

Disability Employment Awareness Month

In October, many organizations and provinces celebrate Disability Employment Awareness Month (DEAM). It is a time to recognize the 1 in 5 Canadians who experience disability and the incredible contributions they make to our labour force. Despite the positive outcomes associated with inclusive hiring, approximately half of Canadians with disabilities are underemployed or unemployed (which is about 10x the national average).

The DEAM initiative is supported by all levels of government and organizations across Canada to support disabled workers gaining and establishing themselves within industry – and within any industry.

People with disabilities often face huge barriers to employment, such as adequate work environment, transportation to work, flexible hours or other accommodations. 

The pandemic brought forth an interesting opportunity – the ability to work from home for many many industries, the ability to accommodate sick days, child care, flexible hours, and building custom work environments. 

With many pandemic measures now being reverted, many disability advocates are pushing for the flexibility to stay working from home – it opens so many doors for greater recruitment pools, and is also embodying universal design.

Universal design is creating environments that are accessible for the multiple needs of communities. The classic example is having ramps into buildings. While they also allow people in wheelchairs to get into spaces, they also are used by people with strollers, delivery people with carts, the elderly, etc. One accessibility feature can positively impact a diverse group of needs within the community, or workplace.

In the Last Census, 59 per cent of working-age Canadians who identified as having a disability were employed, compared with 80 per cent of people aged 25 to 64 years without disabilities. Having quality employment allows disability communities dignity and the ability for greater independence and quality of life. 

Employment is for everyone. What does this mean to you? Help us celebrate DEAM by telling us in the comments below.

Brooke Leifso is Associate at MT Consulting Group, focusing on diversity, equity, inclusion and accessibility.