4 Themes of Celebration: National Indigenous History Month 2024

The three sisters peaks in the colonized area of Turtle Island called Canadian Rocky Mountains set as a backdrop to a blog post on National Indigenous History Month.
Since 2009, June has been designated as National Indigenous History Month in Canada. This month is important because it demonstrates a commitment to communities of Peoples who have lived on Turtle Island for millenia. 

As an agency committed to the values of reconciliation and cultural safety, we at MT Consulting Group strive to recognize significant dates in Canada’s history of colonization and violence against First Nations, Métis, and Inuit communities. Through our work, we also strive to foster cultures of learning, and support local, Indigenous-owned businesses in our own communities. We are not just DEI consultants: we are conscious that our Indigenous allyship must be a common, everyday practice

In 2024, National Indigenous History Month will feature weekly themes. Here’s how we are planning to celebrate, learn, and connect to Indigenous past, present, and future to match each theme. Most of these activities and resources are free or low-cost, so we hope you will be able to find some things to do this month, too! 

June 1 to 9: Environment, traditional knowledge and territory
June 10 to 16: Children and youth
June 17 to 23: Languages, cultures and arts
June 24 to 30: Women, girls and 2SLGBTQI+ people

As we acknowledge National Indigenous History Month, we are reminded that true Indigenous allyship extends beyond temporary celebrations—it requires a steadfast commitment to learning, understanding, and acting. At MT Consulting Group, we believe in the transformative power of diversity and inclusion. Our dedication to these principles doesn’t just enrich our understanding of Indigenous cultures; it drives our DEI consultancy to forge meaningful partnerships that reflect these values.

We collaborate with and refer Indigenous experts who design customized training sessions that illuminate the rich tapestry of Indigenous history and contributions, and who develop inclusive policies that resonate with and respect Indigenous communities. Our commitment is to support Indigenous-led partnerships that are built on respect and reciprocity, ensuring that the voices and leadership of Indigenous consultants are at the very forefront of our collaborative efforts. Ask us how we can support your organization today. 

Kristin Michelle is a small-fat, feminist, freelance writer. She can be found reading, writing, and fibercrafting at [at]ramblereader on Instagram

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