MT Consulting Group is happy to announce the offering of a new service – the Intercultural Development Inventory. As qualified assessors of the IDI, we administer the assessment, provide a debrief and prepare a personalized growth plan for professionals seeking to lead inclusively through increased intercultural competence.
In this video, we provide answers to commonly asked questions about the Intercultural Development Inventory, including:
- What does the IDI assess?
- What is intercultural competence?
- What are the kinds of questions that I’ll have to answer?
- What does the debrief entail?
- How actionable is the personalized growth plan?
- I’m not a member of the dominant culture – will the IDI be of value to me?
- I have had a lot of exposure to other cultures and I speak other languages – will the IDI be of value to me?
- I don’t lead a team in my organization – will the IDI be of value to me?
- What are some examples of ways in which my leadership can improve as a result of me taking the IDI?
Are you ready to build your intercultural competence and reach your organization’s inclusion goals? Contact us today:
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